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My New Timneh African Grey

Guest achtungj

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Guest achtungj

I've been here for some time now, occasionally posting my thoughts as

I've absorbed all the information and knowledge available from all you fine people who happen to be owned by birds. In my area I've found a shop that specializes in Birds only and it's a bit unique at least in my experience. The owner is a breeder herself who also brings in unweaned babies from a few trusted friends. I've had the opportunity to see the new birds as they come in and I learn from customers who have their birds in the shop. In this shop, a small shop indeed, while the bird is being weaned over time the new owner is able to come in daily and play/bond with their bird. The owner will not let a bird go home until it is weaned and she requires that the bird comes back to be weighed and checked even when it does go home. You cannot come to this shop and say "I want to buy this Parrot and here is my money."

No way, you are quizzed and interviewed and if she doesn't think you could be a good bird owner she won't sell you as much as a budgie. I'd come into the shop at least four times a week for a month just sitting there with the new owners as they fed their African Greys, Macaws and

Cockatoos. I'd ask questions, I'd chat and I'd learn more than I already did. I'd never seen a set up like this and I knew that I was going to buy from her.


A baby Timneh comes in, all in pin feathers in it's nursery and it looks at me. Those big eyes just staring at me. I watched it grow for a week or so and then decided that this bird was for me. I decided I wanted to buy the Timneh. Three days after that the shop owner decided

I could. :-) She'd say are you sure? Do you know how long a commitment it it? Is this really what you want? She'd say if I can talk you out of it then you didn't really want the bird. Humm. Well my bird is still being weaned, I go to see him every day the shop is open and the bird is great. Happy to see me, eats well, mumbles and grumbles, gentle, well socialized to others, alert and smart as can be. My baby Timneh is named Aki. :-)

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Guest dividedstu

It's unfortunate that there is some sort of idiot running through here acting the fool. I picked up Forte Agent and have filled the 'Kill

File' with the Troll. No more troll. Actually, I thought you were the troll for a second (first post) then remembered who you were (second post). Like you, I'm still learning and like you it took me quite a while before I jumped and put the money down on my Grey. I can tell you that the 'National or Regional Chain' pet store across the street from my little bird shop charges almost twice of what I paid for my birds. (and there isn't as much bonding opportunities-their birds are tube fed and are out in window cages which I imagine does wonders for their personalities) I think you might want to keep you eye out for those Bird Shows that are in your area- good prices on cages and birds straight from breeders. It depends on where you are as to the price but of course the important thing is that you are happy with

Gibson. Personally I'm excited and happy with my fellows.

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Guest javacrypto

Those are the kinds of shops I like to see succeed :). It's all becoming such a wonderful experience for you, and I love reading about it, and about your new baby!

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Guest Phunkygal

Gibson's doing great. As for price, I have found some in several locations quite a ways away from me. They run from $1645 through $2000. Guess I didn't do so bad afterall.


I remember you Gad. Just thought I was catching a troll in the act, no offense intended. Good luck with those birds, you are lucky!

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Guest Phunkygal

Just 2 hours 13 minutes ago you said you were getting a "talking" 4 month old Greenwing Macaw??? Going for the Grey and the Greenwing?


I quote: "I'm getting a Greenwing myself. He/she is four months old at the moment and still being weaned- but I get to visit the baby five days a week.

Any words of advice or suggestions for someone who is moving up in class to this size bird? The baby says mama and 'paula'..."


Just see which it is..

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Guest dividedstu

And by the way. I remember when you had just got your Grey from the pet shop and your Grey might have cost you more than you might have otherwise paid. I wrote you a note of encouragement -under the name of

Gad and said I think that if you were happy with your purchase than you didn't overpay. By the way, how is your baby doing?

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Guest dividedstu

Both. But this is the Grey group. Like I mentioned, it's an opportunity that I won't get again, to get good quality birds from someone I trust. I will be leaving this area next year, the next birds won't be available until next year and it'll be months before they would be weaned- months I don't have to spend here. Instead the Grey comes home in December probably and the Greenwing next year. Is that okay with you?

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Guest Phunkygal

Sure, it's fine with me... You posted the Macaw in african-grey. Good luck with both birds. Wish I could have afforded a "great deal" and I would have also bought Gibson's cage mate...

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Guest javacrypto

Congratulations, I'm very happy for you and hope this is the beginning of a long and satisfying relationship :).

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Guest dividedstu

Thank you kindly Owly,


I appreciate your kind words. It's funny you know, I've acquired a whole big 'bird family' at the shop. The owners are like my grandparents and everyone brings their babies back and everyone is treated like a member of the family. It's all nice. :-)

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