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Trip to the Vet... leg band and chip


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We took Ash to the vet yesterday to get her leg band removed, microchip and sexed.


I've been calling Ash "her"... but we'll find out on Tuesday!! **bites nails**


Also... my suspicions were correct. Ash's leg band was too small. The vet pulled her band down and there was an abrasion on the back of her leg that was rubbed raw. I'm sure she was happy to get it off.


My boyfriend and I also decided to get her microchipped. We weighed our options and decided to get her chipped... not because we think we'd lose her... but just in case there was the itty-bitty-silm-miniscule-chance we would ever have to prove she was ours.


It's scary to think about, but if she was stolen or if there was some kind of disaster and we were separated, I'd do everything in my power to get her back. Just because Ash knows my name... probably wouldn't hold up in court, but the chip ID would.


No anesthetic was needed. She was a great sport. I can tell she was a little sluggish/sleepy yesterday... but that could have been the long car ride and jam-packed day.


Today she's back to her usual self. Love that Grey!!

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I will venture a guess that Ash is a she, just guessing here.


I chose to not have Josey's band put on in the first place as I have heard a lot of stories of having to have them cut off later, I have it if I ever need it.


Glad she took the procedure so well and is back to normal and yes I can imagine you love her so much.

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I'm glad the visit went so well and you got the leg band off. Poor birdie. I can't wait to hear if you've got a boy or girl.


I'll be having Ziva sexed next month and I'm already concerned about the name change if she's a he!


So, the microchip went well? That's great to hear. I'm going back and forth on it as I'm a coward about the pain and am not sure if the vet will knock her out for it. There's always a risk putting them under.


I vote for female also since she's so sweet!

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Yes... the microchip was very scary for me too. There was a lot of back and forth conversation with me and my boyfriend and us with the vet. The vet said judging by Ash's temperament, she didn't need to use anesthesia. It's good because there's always a risk with anesthesia... but it was bad because she had to be awake through the whole thing.


I couldn't be in the room with her, but I kept my ear close to the door. It took about 15 minutes to do everything. Ash squawked a little here and there, but nothing to make me wanna break the door down {Characters-00020059}


When they let me in the room, she was happy to see me... but I could tell she was a little upset. I was afraid I broke her trust. That was the hardest part for me to deal with... that I didn't "protect" her.


She was a good sport though... but I guess I won't know how she really feels until we go back the next time and see if she panics.

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