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Indy is such a chewer!


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Indy is now 6 months old, and doing great! However, he is obsessed with chewing EVERYTHING...at first all I noticed it was my hand, and I thought he just didn't like me holding him. But he just likes to chew. On everything all the time. I know a certain amount of baby beaking is normal, but could this be a sign of stress? Or a phase due to his age? I'm going to keep him well stocked in toys he can chew on to keep him off things that he shouldn't, lol...

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Greys are chewers and some more so than others, you will have to provide him with plenty of things to chew on so he gets that need satisfied. If he likes to chew on wood things just get an untreated 2x4 and cut into small sections and drill a hole in the middle to hang up in his cage or wherever he plays for him to chew to his heart's content.

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Because I live alone and it is only Ana Grey, Lily the pug and me I have a lot of foraging toys for Ana Grey and place her treats in them. She seems to enjoy digging her treat out and it sure keeps her out of trouble. Perhaps Indy would enjoy seeking for his treats also.

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