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Hello everyone, new to the group. I am mama to "Mesa" the most perfect, darling TAG ever! :kiss: She is ten months old, and spoiled and adored! I am blessed to be able to stay home, and enjoy my days with her. I am married to an incredible man, and have a 20 year old daughter and a 17 yo daughter.

I am a Canadian who now lives in Colorado, and have for two years. Ok, that's it, that's me. I am here to learn, learn & learn. I want Mesa's life to be as close to perfect as possible. :cheer:

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Hello MrsB and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mesa.


You are one of the lucky ones to be able to stay at home with your grey, most of us aren't for it takes both of us to make ends meet and pay the bills but we do make what time we spend quality time.


Do you have any other birds or parrots, how about any other pets?


You will learn lots from reading thru our many threads, we have many topics and we cover all kinds of subjects, some of it you may already know and some may be new to you but it will be useful to you in any case. We have many knowledgeable members who have had greys for many, many years and have a wealth of knowledge, if you have a question all you have to do is ask and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here if you hadn't already noticed so if you have some of Mesa and would share some that would be great.

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Hi MrsB, what a great intro. I too am a stay-at-home person and have an 8-month-old TAG, Ana Grey. She is a delight as I am positive Mesa must be. There is a lot of great information here, so enjoy. I can see Mesa in your Avatar, but if you have any more pictures to share we would love to see them. Welcome to the family!

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