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hard to get my grey out of her cage


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It takes time. If he won't come out then he wants to stay in. He may wanna come out on his own before dealing with you. The g/f has nothing to do with it. She didn't do anything special to get him to come out, right? Your bird is only doing what's comfortable. Has he done this from the very beginning when you brought him home? How long have you had him? Is it just recently that he's started doing this? Does he step up onto you when he's on top of the cage? Does he step up onto you in other areas besides the cage?

Lots of things here that you never spoke about.

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i can get her to step up off her swing or her pirch but anything to do with getting out or off the cage she wont setp up for me just her she has been that way ever sence we got her i know she is young only 6 months i can handle her but like i said i just cant get her to come out or off the top of her cage

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She is regarding her cage as her safe place where she feels comfortable and is hesitant to step up from there but give her some time but maybe she is just not going to step up onto your hand from the cage, they are all individuals.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your grey.

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If she's only 6 mts, she's just going through a phase that very young greys do quite often. ore than likely, things will turn around and the same thing will happen to your girlfriend. Don't get too upset because if your bird lets you handle her in many other ways, that means she doesn't hate you. She's just being stubborn as many women often are.

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:woohoo: she came out for metold her good girl like 500 times and that i loved her about 200 times i think she knew that she made me happy

today i was so happy i think i and now she started doing the hay sexy whistle its so funny my GF's daughter came out in her easted dress and big girl did the sexy whistle at her and we all had a good laugh and now she dose it all the time i love it


and to all that awnsered my questions thank you so so much :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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I am glad things are better. Greys go through moods, just like people. My grey steps up for me everywhere except from in side his cage.I do sometimes insist but I am happy letting him come out on his own,it saves a battle.

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thats what i have been doing is putting a chair in front fo her cage and she will hop on that cause she sacres me trying to fly out of the cage and hits the hardwood floor so hard i think she is going to break somthing so like u said save the battle she comes out when she wants

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I would put a rug or some sort of cushioning round the cage.It sounds like she has been clipped too much. I have also just noticed you have posted about chewing flight feathers. Sounds like thats the problem. Let the flights grow back fully and if you do decide to clip again after that, make sure a vet does it.

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Yes I read your other post and realise that. I think the breeder has clipped too much and the flights are iritating her causing the chewing.Try and distract as much as you can.Give a phone book to chew up,anything to keep her beak busy and off the feathers.Do not give any attention at all when she picks at the feathers and praise her when she is chewing a more apropriate object. Shower her often,aloe vera juice is recomended,it adds moisture to the skin.

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Whisper will sometimes play a little teasing game with me. She will come out on the ledge all glad to see me but when I ask her to step up she will run back in or on top of the cage. I know she is just playing around. I will just say okay and walk out of the room. When I come back later she steps right up.


Sometimes they just want to try us just like children do.

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