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Max had a bath!!


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Hey all, this morning when I wanted to take a bath Max was all talkative etc. He just wanted attention so I thought he is already use to the bathroom. So I took his playstand and put it right next to the door, then he decided that he wants to sit on the toilet lid so he flew there. Luckily I closed the lid b4 I got into the bath. Then he decided he wants to sit on the bathtub silver handle, so he flew there. So as I was relaxing in the tub he was just chilling on the handle. Then I thought let me see what he would do when I lay flat on my back and put him on my chest, so I did it and he did not mind the water on his feet so I splashed him a bit and it the not bother him at all. So he played with the water etc. Was quite fun to see. So I had to get out the bath to take him back to his cage so I could bath now..... {Feel-good-0002006E}

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Elmo had his first shower yestereday and although I wouldnt say he loved it... he didnt complain to much either and allowed us to soak him thoroughly. He loved the towel afterwards though! I dont think towelling him will ever be a problem!


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Guest briansmum

wow splint thats grey, same for you jude. im not a bath person so i barely ever get them, i'm going to take one now though and put brian on his perch next to me, maybe that will encourage him

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Guest briansmum

ouch julia!!!


well i tried it, i popped him on his stand and got in the bath and sang and played and tried to make it look like the most wonderful thing in the world... and he turned round on his stand with his back to me! psh. will keep trying *sigh*

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