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Shady (I think He's got it)


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I'm so happy and so proud of my little grey Baby. S/he has learned the Step up command. S/he know Knows what it means and has done it several times in a row. S/he has stepped up before and has been doing it for awhile. But today it finally clicked what the wors stepup means I'm so proud of my little cuddle muffin. He is just so sweet and so smart. I waiting for him to take flight anyday now also s/he flapps like crazy and I keep saying to him are you a flyer and everuytime I say that s/he flapps his/her wings more. I think s/he understands what flyer means also. It suprizes me just how smart they are

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I think it's wonderful when they're practicing flying. The way they clamp on, lean forward with such a determined look on their faces! Cleo can fly, and she's getting pretty good at landing, but she still does the flight mode practice, and it cracks me up.

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It sounds like Shady is truly flourishing under you loving care Pat. You and he/she have such a strong relationship from the way you described the interactions and learned behaviours, it is truly inspiring to read of this all progressing.


Thanks for the GreYt updates as he/she grows and learns each week. :-)

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Shady is really growing up, too fast I'm sure, but it was bound to happen but you have loved it every minute and will cherish these moments always.


You have been such a good sport about keeping us informed of every thing that has happened in Shady's new beginning and hope you continue to keep us updated, especially with pics as we have enjoyed seeing him grow and flourish under your loving care.


When will we see your updated signature with the addition of Shady?

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