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need Advise on leg problems


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Hello I am new to your forum but I am not new to being a parrot owner. I have a CAg named baleybo. He?she is almost 3 years old. I must tell you his story so you can understand my question. I went to the breeder 3 years ago to pick out my baby, the breeder had two greys on a counter and one in a cup by himself. I was told that the two could be chosen between and the one was not available.. he was chirping and very vocal, I asked was he taken and she said No he was being Put Down I wasnt sure what she meant so I asked again and she said he was imperfect.. I couldnt understand why so I asked if I wanted him could I get him she said he had been born with splay leg and he was not going to make a good pet, well he had no feathers only 2 weeks old..Needless to say I chose him paid for him and was going to leave she said No he goes with you today she was not going to finish him out so I was refunded some money and I bought a container to keep him in and a warming agent..Home we went he was splayed his leg stuck straight up..we went to an avain vet in birmingham who said he will adjust leave him alone and then we went to see another one in mobile who said he will adjust so I left him alone let him grow and he flourished.. he talks all the time. Is in perfect health and is a good boy..he has never learned to step up as he has problems with that leg..We work around it by towels to get him out of the cage..my problem comes in now...lately since hes getting around more he has got a sore place it seems coming up on his wing I know this can not cause a real sore but it still worries me or at least I am not sure that it will or wont make a sore on the wing..I am taking him to the vet soon and wanted to see does anyone else have a grey who has one leg instead of two and if so how do they get along..His leg is frozen straight and it doesnt move the foot can be moved but the leg is painful looking and I am going to talk to the vet about amputating it.. I think he would be in less pain that way but will not make any decisions untill the vet makes his recomendations..Anyway thats our story and I just wanted to know how any other handicapped greys get along...Your comments and advise are welcomed..Thanks and great to find a place to chat with other grey owners...baleys mom..

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I don't have any handicapped birds right now but I know of many people that have them. I know of a one legged bird, another bird with both feet missing, birds that are totally missing one of their wings, a totally blind bird etc. They're all living happy lives.


He should be fine with the use of only leg. Parrots can adapt exceptionally well only on one leg. You might like to make sure all his perches are attached to one another or at least close enough so he can reach & pull himself up using his beak. You can build him a large play gym and encourage him to use it. You be surprised at how well they can get around with a disability as long as they're given the opportunity & encouragement to try.

Your vet will discuss the process and just remember to ask as many questions of the vet as you want.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/11 07:37

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thanks Dave007 , I am amazed at how far he has come already and if it werent for the leg rubbing the wing I might not even consider the leg being amputated but he tends to want to lay over on that leg and it seems to be causing alot of feathers being rubbed off and just looks uncomfortable to me for both the leg the wing and his hip joint being in a strain all the time..

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I personally don't think you have a big problem. I'd even say that your bird will thank you for thinking about it. he'll definely be more comfortable as soon as the strangeness of the missing leg is normal again. A one legged bird isn't as serious as you think. Slight adjustments need to be made but it won't stop him from wanting to come out to play. I agree with you about asking the vet. Remember that he's still a baby and there's plenty of time for him to live as a one legged bird. The surgical procedure is done frequently.

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Yes that is truly a wonderful and touching story. You really saved your baby's life!{Feel-good-00020114} It seems that parrots with physical handicaps often find a way to manage and go about with their business. Those who've had their handicap all of their lives don't know any different. Thanks for sharing your story.:) I think if I were in your situation... I would just be mindful to place the perches in a strategic way to make it easier for him.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/11 22:46

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Thanks for all your kind words and the encouragement.. He is definately loved..I have had alot of mixed feelings and thought I couldnt handle it sometimes because he has a hard time getting out of the cage he hates to be toweled and I am hoping if the vet helps with the leg dilema we can find a peaceful solution and stop having to be toweled.. I will keep everyone informed what the vet says..

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When I was 9 yrs. old I found an English Budgie in the

snow.His feet were frozen,and despite everything we tried,they eventually fell off.He had no legs,just two

little stumps.We tied two perchs together so he could

balance in the groove,and he got along just fine.He even

learned to speak,and was pictured on the back of our dog

in the local paper.We knew his age from his band,and he

lived to be 14.:)

If your bird has lived three yrs. with his leg the

way it is now,I'm sure he'll do even better once it's

removed,he's already use to only one,so that's all he's

ever known.

Karma to you for taking him and saving his life!:)

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