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sonny 17 yrs laid her first egg help!!


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Help us please.....my bird just laid her first egg and we are getting so many different answers on what we should do for her....I LOVE HER! I dont want anything to happen to her. I would cry my eyes out!! I can do anything with her she is so wonderful. I think because we aquired some other birds and I started putting pine shavings in the bottom of her cage for better clean up. She did this for the first time. We are so freightened for her. Help us figure out what to do.

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Don't get too upset. It happens every now and then. Just simply leave the egg with her until she tires of the egg and pays no attention to it. That'll happen between 25 to 30 days. When she's totally ignoring it, remove it. Right now, if another egg comes, do the same thing--leave the eggs with her. If you remove the eggs immediately after they're laid, that will stimulate her to create more eggs.


Pine shavings should never be used in bird's cages because they can help fungi grow pl;us hold bacteria and other germs. A bird who's in a cage with shavings and starts to flap it's wings can stir up microscopic wood dust into the air and up their noses causing serious breathing problems. Plain newspaper is the best thing to use.

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