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I think he needs a friend. Ever since he turned 2 (March 29th) Dante is coming up with all sorts of new words and behaviors. The phrases are "It's a birdie song!" He has also started a new space ship sound. His other thing is he now says, "Oh, okay, okay, alrigh, uh huh."


Additionally, ALL he wants to do when he's with me is to try to grasp my finger with one foot so he has something to steady himself while he rolls over onto his side and then his back. He wants me to try to tickle his chest so he can hang onto my finger and chew on it. Then he wants to hang upside down from my finger. He thinks he's a gymnast. He also has started hanging from his rope perch from his beak and flailing his legs so I'll put my hand under him so he can step up and make me play the "Dante thinks he's a labrador retriever" game to try to get me to let him chew on my hand while he lies on his back.


Anybody else have these types of goings on in their homes?


He and Picasso seem to be hitting it off and Dante loves to come with us to visit. Picasso will be coming home mid-may. Pictures attached below.



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