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More Bad Vets . . .


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I found an interesting blog about the subject of veterinarians, and I really liked what the person who wrote the blog had to say (pasted below). I also started my own blog (link below). Lastly, on my website, I fixed the chronology of events under "Timeline" so that they load much faster and are much more readable for anybody who wants to know the details of Gomez's final days at the hands of his vet. http://www.VetsGoneBad.com


Blog Intro from other person:


The biggest threat to our pets is our own naiivete.


In spite of numerous reports of malpractice and worse, veterinarians continue to enjoy one of the highest ratings for "honesty" among all professions. They are universally -- and blindly trusted. Those of us who have learned the hard way that blind trust is dangerous for our pets are struggling to break through to the consciousness of our fellow loving pet owners, to inspire some healthy skepticism, before they and their pets too fall victim.


If reading this blog gets one pet owner to admit the thought into their minds that maybe -- just maybe -- they shouldn't blindly trust their vet, it will have been worth it. We need to become proactive in evaluating vets and their care, not waiting for a tragedy. We need to ask questions like: "Who will be there overnight? What are his credentials? Let me speak with him," or, "What are my pet's kidney values, and what are the potential side effects of that drug?"


We shouldn't need to do these things but we do because

... . .well, because there are so many bad vets.


the blog above: http://badvetdaily.blogspot.com


My new blog:


http://vetsgonebad.blogspot.com<br><br>Post edited by: Julie, at: 2009/04/11 05:46

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