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Well my little Nikki is finding her voice & it's so cute to hear her practicing. She's getting some whistles down pretty well now, lots of "clucking" "snapping" "cooing" & "oooooing". I'm enjoying the beeps & squeaks & some of it sometimes sounds like "hello" The funny thing is she said hello as clear as could be way back in November, I heard her more than once & then it vanished. I talk to her all the time so I hope she learns to speak. I understand some never do talk. My green cheek talks up a storm! Love to hear how some others with Timneh's are doing with their speech.


Post edited by: Nikki, at: 2009/04/11 01:44<br><br>Post edited by: Nikki, at: 2009/04/11 01:47

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My Ana Grey just turned 8 months and I believe she says "hello" but it is kind of sing-songy so I'm not sure. and she says "Do, do, do" when I leave the room and I think it is part of the phrase "What you doing," but I'm not sure so I will wait and see. She jabbers away what I don't know. So we'll see. Que sera, sera, whatever, will be, will be.

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Funny that I posted about Nikki not speaking & the very next day she started saying HEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOO. She did a perfect sing song imitation just the way I say it to her! When she would say it I'd say hello back to her & then leave the room. She would say it again & as a reward I'd come back & say hello to her & tell her she was a good bird. It became a game. I'd leave & she's get me back by saying hello, fast learner!

She also rings a little bell I give her. I showed her how to shake it & make it ring & in no time at all she was shaking her little bell in her beak till it went flying off onto the floor.

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YAY Nikki!


Adaya just turned a year, and is becoming more and more vocal. She whistles for the dogs, whistles/says yooo hoooo ( this is what we taught her to use for calling us) thats much better than the piercing call lol. She blows and catches kisses, and mumbles alllll kinds of things. We can only imagine what she is practicing lol. I have asthma, and recently went through a spell. Well she has my wheeze cough down pat. She calls my daughter whenever she is giving the dogs attention and the list goes on. She sometimes will something clearly, and then we dont hear her say it again, hello and "scatter" are two that occasionally she will say. She is definately an important member of the family lol.

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Congraulations on baby's first words! I think we all wait for those moments with great anticipation!


Even after many years and many words it can still be great when they learn something new. My last bird Nelson waited 18 years before learning to say "BYE!" to me as I left for work each morning. Once he started, he never missed a beat. All I had to do was to go to the door holding my lunchbox and he'd say "BYE!" and I'd say "Bye Nelson" back. It was awesome.


Now I'm back to the begining with my new bird Sam. He just over a year old and is just starting to talk. I've only had him 10 days and I just realized yesterday that he enjoys practicing talking while I'm cleaning his cage. He sits on top and mutters quietly which starts me offering words. He then mutters back and I can hear him trying the words I'm saying! This is going to be a fun tradition if he keeps it up. It'll be like birdie Kindergarden. Exciting times! Enjoy!



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Birdie kindergarten, thats cute. I'm sorry you lost your 1st bird, this new one certainly found itself a good home! Each bird is such an individual but they seem to find their own special place in our hearts.

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