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The Latest On Gilbert The TAG


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Gilbert is such a great little guy


He's progressing in socialization at an amazing rate. After biting my mom,they're visiting,the he allowed tickles from my mom and sister. Before this I was the only person in our house he allowed to touch him.

He's accepting new toys,so he's now got 2 new toys in his cage and I've got several more sitting close enough to the cage for him to see them. I'm hoping to get them in the cage around the middle of next week

He's eating a little better,apparently he loves lima beans,pasta,9 grain bread and at least a few tastes of veggies. We're still working on sprouts,but I'm sure it'll come.

He's got a handful of new feathers peeking out. So far I haven't seen him bothering the feathers so hopefully he'll decide to let them stay.

His PBFD bloodwork came back Okie Dokie,so I moved him into our living room where he can spend more tiem with the whole family and seeing more. I think it will help us bond more closely. I know that it's a bit early to take him out of quarantine,but we weighed the risks and benefits and felt like it would be so much better for him to be able to be even closer to the family and get even more attention


All in all I'm amazed that he has come so far in such a short period of time and I now this is just the beginning

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Thats wonderful news he sounds like a real sweetheart I think your going to have a velcro bird in no time:laugh: Thats so great that he's allowing others to give him scritches I can tell he's going to really love being in his new forever home. As far as the quarentine goes as long as you feel that he's healthy then thats what really counts I agree that the more he is around the family and feeling like hes part of everything the faster he will settle in and become more a part of your family. good news I'm glad to hear it.

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