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Are cement perches ok?


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I want to buy one of those small movable perches to take Ziva with me into different rooms without having to roll her big cage or play gym around. I saw one at a pet store yesterday and the perch is made of cement and it was really, really rough. I wimped out and didn't buy it because I was afraid it might be too rough on her feet.


It's the only one I've seen that is that small which I like. It's the one with the plastic sides and has a cup on the side.


Any ideas or suggestions?

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Jenna has one corner cement perch inside the cage and another cement perch with varying thicknesses on it outside the cage. She also has wooden branch perches and rope perches. I think a variety is probably best. A cement perch on a movable stand is no problem at all, and as others have said, the cement tends to "file" the claws down so they are not so sharp

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Thanks for the responses. I have cement perches in the cages for my lovebird and cockatiels and they do perch on them. But, the one on the movable perch stand was super rough. I assume it's rougher because it's a larger size perch.


I guess I can give it a go and if she hates it, she won't get on it. I just don't want to hurt my baby!

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I have a little stand like that the exact one you discribed I use it all the time its really handy I love it and so do my birds. and all my birds seem to sleep on their cement perches they really seem to like them. even Shady is starting to take to his as well.

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The cement perches are safe although I personally do not use them for my grey. If you wish to use it, I recommend placing it where the water cup is. It will help to keep her nails trim and provide a different sized perch for her to excercise her digits on.


On that note, please do not let it be the highest perch in her cage or if you must place it high, please make sure there is also a cotton or wooden perch placed at the same height that she can roost on at night.


The concrete perch shouldn't be the one she roosts on. The cement is quite irritating to their skin and she really should not be perching on it for long periods of time.


This does not only apply to african greys. It applies to all parrots.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:05


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:07<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:08

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She doesn't have any cement perches in her cage and my lovebird and cockatiels each have one along with several wooden and cotton perches. They are free to choose where they want to perch in their cages and the cement perches are in the middle. Their cement perches are also not as rough as the one for the movable stand.


I am going to see if there are any other options at the bird store tomorrow and then make a decision. I'm hoping the bird store will have some wooden stands that are small.


Thanks for all the input.

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