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Oh What a Mess!!!

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I've had to buy a hand held hoover to help with the cleaning around here since Harvey arrived! He's so happy picking bits out of his food bowl and throwing them over the nearest placed member of the family - these babies definitely aren't for the absolute house proud or lazy! The kids were easier to raise!!!

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No you cant be house proud and own a grey.Its the globs of fruit on the cealing I find the worst:lol: My grey says" who made that mess" when I am cleaning up after him or "heres Henry" when the hoover comes out. I have a henry hoover its perfect for heavy duty cleaning.

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We only had Chimay for about a week before we went out and got a handheld vacuum to help with cleanup. Of course the clean floor normally lasts about five minutes tops. Ha ha!!! He loves flinging food...almost as much as he likes watching mommy and daddy scramble to pick up bits of mashed yams and broccoli. I read on other posts that some people buy posters and hang them with the back facing out behind the cage...I love that idea! We will definitely have to employ that technique to try and save our walls! :)

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Welcome to our family. I use white plastic garbage bags that are cut open and I tape them on the wall behind Kookies cage, they catch all the fruits and juices. Its easier to clean and can be changed frequently.

I use old newspaper on the floor around Kookies stand but he still succeeds to mess up the room and he is a professional shredder...its his personal target to shred everything he gets his beak on into small pcs...LOL and he looks at me when Im cleaning his mess up and he says oooooooooooooohhooooohhh ....Nooooooo Nooooooooo


he is so funny when he is hanging upside down to watch me pick up his mess...



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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Welcome to R luvnezt. These birdz normally have a bad caze of bratitude. :evil: especiallly when U have something theyz want. ;) lol



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I have one of those swifer vacs is great for cleaning up the dry stuff around the cages I also have 2 little dogs that will eat just about anything they clean up allot of the food off the floor. my birds are pretty good about the walls mind you most of my birds cages are in front of windows as long as I wash them 2 times a month they aren't to bad they love to see whats doing on outside so mabie that why they don't get them that dirty.Birds are diffenatly not ment for people who hate housework. they can make a mess faster than my grandkids can.

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I must clean up after the birds about 3 times a day!


I have had my cream wallpaper re decorated with pomegranate lol.


I am looking at decorating when the weather gets a bit warmer and thinking of putting perspex panels on the areas that the birds get more food. It wont look great but at least it will wipe down everyday. They sell them in the local DIY store.


Invest in a good hoover as well, I might also get one of the hand held ones for a quick clean.:)

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Hello JillyBeanz and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harvey.


You are so right, they aren't for anyone who has to have their house clean and tidy at all times for with a grey in the house it is anything but clean but we wouldn't have it any other way. They do have an endearing quality that gets into the heart strings and then we put up with most anything for we love them so much and spoil them.


Is Harvey the only fid you have in your house or there any others contributing to the mess? Most of us have more than one bird and some of us have more than one grey, I have a sun conure along with my Cag.


You will learn lots of useful information by reading thru our many threads and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We just love pictures here so if you have some of Harvey and would share them please do.

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jillybeanz, is that "Practical Magic"??

Welcome, I am a newbie myself. I am enjoying all information! Yes, mess. Mesa (coincedence? MESS-A-lol) has breakfast on the counter every morning, and insists on holding her food over the edge, like say her snap peas, so that when she bites through it falls. The floor is covered in poop and bits and bites, lol. I have started thickening her mash so that it isn't quite as "fling-able"! Runny mash will go for five feet if she gets her head into it juuuust right! FORE!!!:woohoo:

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I have a large laminated photo-poster of a tropical forest hanging on the behind each of my birds' cages. It protects most (not quite all...) of the wall, and it's a nicer scene for the birds than a blank wall - I think I got them at Drs Foster & Smith. (After that first pomegranate wall treatment, I learned!:) )


I just suffer with the floor so far. I keep an old sheet spread out in front of each cage, to catch cage-door-sitting poops. Maxi throws less food than Tanner, but Tanner has these spaz-attacks when he feels the need to fling half the contents of his food dish out of his cage. At which point I let the bunny out of his cage to go have a snack :P before I clean it up - the bunnny loooooves parrot pellets and seeds....


Of course there's no real helping the fact that this seems to be National Throw-Every-Toy-Off-The-Playtop-As-Far-As-Possible Month. Both Maxi and Tanner are celebrating it with gusto!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Hi, thanks for all your kind comments and making me feel better that I'm not the owner of the messiest parrot on the planet! Harvey's 17 weeks now and I'm learning great things about the fact that strawberries and other coloured, highly juiced fruits should be eaten in the vicinity of the cage - and not near my cream walls or blinds!!


He's an absolute angel - he's in the conservatory at the moment while I'm in the study and he's "calling" for attention as I type! He's such an attention seeker! Now that the initial training is over (stepping up, flying to and from each member of the family, giving kisses etc) I am going to try and embark on potty training (which I don't relish!!!).


Thanks again for your kind comments (and I'm learning loads from these pages) Jill x

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