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for the memory of staro the gray


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i miss my4 yreas staro so much ,i had him since he was 6 month

very talkative and playful little gray,he was part of my family,and because of my job as a flight attendant i used to get him toys that he liked most from johhanesburg also his vitamins and diets..

until he got sick,when he stopped talking for 2 days , i started to feel worry so i took him to the best vet in my country,i was surprised when Doc didn't examine Staro just gave medicine to be added to his drinking water and told me it's cold but there was no water coming out from his nose ,for 5 dayd he didn't get any better..i took him to another famous vet who gave staro 6 injections

for 2 weeks ,butstill he was getting worse and was losing weight and not eating well,sleeping all the time, i was so devastated

i felt helpless.. i posted on the internet help to find Doc who understands birds, but it was too late as the the 3rd Doc said ,my baby suffered from something in his throat he couldn't eat and at the end he couldn't breath, for 6 weeks my poor baby suffered.. if the first vet examined him and gave the correct medicine he could be alive right now even the second Doc who gave him injections God know what was this injections..my heart is broken , i can't stop crying and i can't believe he's gone and i will not see him any more GOD i miss my baby so much i don't know what to do.

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Staro but you did everything you could to save him but it just wasn't meant to be, he is no longer suffering but flying freely over the Rainbow Bridge. Take some comfort in the fact that there are others here who understand how you must feel and sharing that with us will help you heal.

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Nothing I say can ease your heartbreak. Please know that it was not your fault, you did everything you could to save your darling grey. He is finally at peace and starting another journey. It was not to be that you and he were to travel forward together, remember all the good times you had with Staro and know that he is flying in peace. God bless you and may Staro fly high in his glory.

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I can feel your sorrow in your post and I am truly sorry for your loss.


Give yourself time to grieve, one day you may find a place in your heart to love another grey, just take one day at a time.


My thoughts are with you and we are always here if you need support or just would like to talk.


May he rest in peace.



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Sorry for your loss...really so sorry , but you did your best...


When i lost mine, I went immediately and gotten another grey cos I could bear to wake up with an empty cage...maybe that will help you...

May he rest in peace


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thank u all my friends for ur support ,,really ur warm thoughts helped me alot..

adopting another gray now is far a way from my mind, i can't imagine that i can replace my baby with another gray it will be so painful..

i can't forget when every time i hold him to me, his eyes looking straight into my eyes as if it's gonna be the last time we're going to see each other..

with his death i lost so many things,i'm deeply deeply sad.

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