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What should I do?


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We just acquired two african greys! I have had a lot of birds but none as intellegant as greys. My husband got harley and blue bird for a song and a dance for my birthday from an older couple who just couldnt keep up with them anymore and although they did not abuse them they had just kinda left them in the basement and didnt interact with them unless they where feeding or cleaning the cage. So now they are here and they dont really want to have anything to do with us. They are not aggressive and they do not threatent to bite but it causes them abvious distress when we try to interact with them. I guess my question is there anything that we can do to help them to want to be with us apart from seperating them. They are a breading pair and I dont want to have to split them up because they have been together forever. Should I just try and stimulate them and enrich there lives with a hands off approach and at a later time time try and start over with one of there babies or is there things that we can do to help them want to want to interact with us more. I want to do the best thing for them!!!

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