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Hi guys, sorry to be asking for advice again but hope you can all help.

Right i have had Floss for 9 days now, as i said before i have rehomed her and she is 3 yrs old.

Ok after quite a few bites and warning nips she is very much at home talking no stop bless, ok so today she has started to regurgitate when she see me and when i try to stroke her, but when my wife trys to stroke her or talk to her she do'snt regurgitate she just wants to play, she is eating and drinking ok, and destroying her grapes and nuts with great pleasure.

I have heard that reguritation can be a sign of affection just really need to be sure or do i need a vet visit?


would post pic's but mine are all to big over 1 kb so not sure how to change that sorry


many thanks

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Your grey sounds perfectly normal and happy and it sounds like she loves you as for pics Open a free account at www.photobucket.com download your pics there and copyand paste the (img)code into your post here and thats all there is to posting pics on this Forum.

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