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who R better speakerz? Mails or femails?

Guest jamalbirdbiz

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin is alwayz talking smack :evil: , and flying a round and now my little gurl, molly has started to call for Marvin. She sayz Marv and he flyes to her and startz preeening her. I have been working with her for bout a month to say Jamal and she wo'nt do it. :( I say Jamal like 1000 Xs a day for her to lurn it, but she has'nt yet. Marvin sayz Jamal alot mostly when he wantz something :evil: He yellz Jamal when he wantz too B let out to fly int he living rooom or when he seeez me eating something that he wantz to try. Any pointerz on gettting her to say the thingz I want would be grate. She iz my little gurl and I do'nt want her to lurn to smack talk like my boy Marvin. :evil:



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I really don't think that the sex of the bird has anything todo with talking. Tycos a female and has a huge vocabulary of well over 200 words and phrases not to mention her cognative ability when she buts into every one conversation. i think its got more todo with the parrot personality than the gender.

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