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A change of heart


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First I want to say, all of you have been so nice on the welcome page..thank you so much! You are a great group of people. It's sad to say, but we've had a change in heart. We have decided not to get a grey. Don't get me wrong, we love them, but deep down I feel we need more of a family bird..one that will go to all of us. It took a lot out of me to make this decision, but I guess it's for all the right reasons, for us and the bird. I am not 100% yet, but I am giving great consideration to a SI eclectus. From what i have read about them they sound to be a better fit.


I am sorry I will not have the chance to really get to know all of you, but I wanted to say thank you for your warm welcome and welcoming me to the 'family'


Ann Marie

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It is not a requirement to own an african Grey to be part of this forum many of us here have other parrots that we love just as much as we love our greys. There are alot of Elkie owners also we have a room just for all those birds that are not African Greys its called other birds. So don't hesitate to stop in and ask any question you might have and I'm sure there is someone on this forum that will be able to help.

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As much as well all love the african greys here I commend you for doing your research beforehand and then making a decision as opposed to getting one and finding out it's not what you had hoped it would be. They are not right for every family and think you made a wise decision because the grey do tend to favor one person.


As for the SI Eclectus..I have one:) His name is Tigger. He is so lovable and will go to both me and my husband. he just loves attention. He has such a sweet personality and a great joy to have. He is actually our best talker, too.


Good luck to you and you can still be a part of the forum since we have the "Other birds" room and you can feel free to ask any questions you want to there. Many of us have several different kinds of birds and we would still be happy to chat with your new ecclectus and help answer any of your questions. So please don't be a stranger just because you won't be getting a grey. I would love to know if and when you get your new ekkie and how things go with him or her.

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Well only you can make that decision and if you feel a grey is not the right fit then you made the right choice. A grey is an awesome creature but they do tend to not be a family bird but then you never know you may eventually get one but at least you have the love for one.


I hope you are not leaving the forum for having a grey is not a requirement to be a member, just a love for greys is all that matters so stay and be a part of the family, we love having you here and we have an other birds room where you can share your new bird with everyone.

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Annmarie, your choice of an SI Eclectus is a great one. If I were to get a second bird that is what I would love to have. Would you prefer a male or female? Both are so beautiful in color and yet so very different. The choice of parrot is a personal choice so you should get the one that best fits your lifestyle and family. As others have said just an interest in greys is all that is required to be a member of this forum and we do have the other bird room so please stick around, we love all the family and miss them when we don't hear from them!! Please keep us updated on your Eclectus hunt!!!

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awh, thanks so much... actually we would like a male. We know someone who has two little babies, 3 weeks old. He does not know the sexes yet, it will be another week. Our fingers are crossed. The good part is, we are not far...we can watch the baby grow and bond with him... we will be able to do some hand feedings with the owner to...the bird will really get to know us before he comes home..can't get better than that for us :cheer: We will see what happens next week!


Thanks again for being so understanding and supportive!


ann marie

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It is very comendable that you realised a grey is not for you,they are not for everyone.I think you are making the right decision.Please keep us up to date on the babies and hang around as much as you wish.

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It wasn’t an easy decision at all… we did have a deposit on a baby grey that we were so excited about. What changed my mind was, my son wanted it to be “his” bird. I knew the bird would have to like me to..there was no guarantee in who the bird would bond to…there will also come a time in the near future (5 years) when my son will be leaving for college.. I can not predict if the bird would like him and not me kind of thing, or visa-versa. so this was a concern. That’s when I knew we needed more of a family bird who hopefully will like everyone.. It will be best for all of us, including the bird. The grey will always be one of my favorites, their intelligence has always fascinated me. It’s good to know I can get my fix here :P

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she wrote:

...a grey ...are not for everyone.....


somehow I also came to this conclusion :( I wanted one so much and... now that I actually CAN buy one....




I don't see it is compatible with what I need, want and my lifestyle. :(



I still love them to pieces tough..


Can one love an animal and still be not able to take care of those?

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That was so sweet, thank you for your kind words :)




yes, it is possible to love and want something we really can't have.. That is what happened to us. I give you credit for thinking it out, looking at the big picture. Your day will come when the time is right for you!

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Annmarie and Fairy, I applaud you both for doing your research and thinking things through, and making the best decision for you, AND for your birds!


Annmarie, my last bird was a male eclectus, and he was fabulous. He was outgoing and friendly, he would go to anyone who asked him to. He went to concerts and festivals with me, he went to work with me . . . He was extremely well socialized from 2 months old on. You will not regret an eclectus. However, they are a LOT louder than a grey ~chuckle~ Please do stay with us and keep us updated!

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I must say, that I wish there were more pet owners like you out there, I think there would be less pets in rescues. It takes a very wise person to realize that even though you really want a grey that a grey may not be the best fit for you family.


Some greys will bond to multiple people, many will not...it is a gamble. And even though I can tell you have a love for greys, I think you made the right decision that it is not worth the gamble and to get the right bird for your family.


There are many other breeds of birds that will fit into your family and will give your family a lot of joy.


I see you are looking at Ekkies. I think female Ekkies are so beautiful and all the male Ekkies I have seen have the best temperment. I was thinking of getting a male Ekky myself.

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Raposa & Sallas Thanks so much for your support..everyone here is so understanding and still welcomes me here.. it's incredibly nice! As everyone knows, a bird is a life long commitment , and even though with any species, there is no guarantee the bird will be happy with everyone. Researching both breeds, we have a better chance with an ekkie. The greys are known for liking one or two people..what happens if I am not one of them?? Thats what really made me change my mind and for no other reason. It was not easy . Happy I am hearing good reviews on Ekkies! after much reading and talking to breeders who raise them, I thought this might be a better bird for us... they are beautiful, male & female. I have heard the male would be a better pet... some have females and love them to pieces..I happen to love the males candy corn beak :)


Thanks again for your kind words, means a lot that everyone is so understanding and supportive..


Raposa ..what happened to your Ekkie??? And how loud was he??? :S lol!

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Thank you for the kind words, all :) Annemarie, you are so right.


I have a canary now who doesn't need the amount of attention a Grey needs and which I am unable to give (due to my lifestyle).


Perhaps, one day..... (and you too, Annemarie :) )

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My gorgeous boy died unexpectedly a year ago at Christmas time. He was just 15. He was fine when I left for work, and dead by the time I came home. My vet did a necropsy and she said he was healthy, good feathers, organs all normal size, the only thing unusual was that his sinuses were congested. I still miss him every day.


As for his screeching, these birds can be LOUD! My husband enjoyed the bird but hated the screaming, which was part of the reason I elected to go with a grey instead this time. That and the fact that I've always loved greys and never thought I would end up with one.

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Hi Annmarie,

I also applaud you for doing your research

before getting your bird.Like other members have said,

Greys aren't for everyone,and it's better you found that

out now then later.It's good that you have thought of the future too,as our lives are forever changing,and as

we all know these birds can live for a very long time.It

sounds like an Eclectus will be perfect for your family.

There is an amazing one on u tube named "Riley",who has

an amazing vocabulary,you should check him out! K.C. :)

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Hi Anne Marie

Grey or no grey you are always welcome in our family and you have done a very good job in researching. Perhaps its right to choose a less demanding parrot as a start and nobody knows, maybe the grey will come later on...

My grey is fond of the whole family and has a special relationship with everyone of us, he even likes strangers...also likes to bite them...LOL


Let us know what you finally deide and send pics as soon as you get the birdie...



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