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my CAG Sabian!

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Hey all,


It's cool so find this forum! I actually found it trying to find answers to a problem with my birdy.


Anyway I'm Kyle and I have a female Congo named Sabian, and shes the best thing ever! shes about 3 years old now, I got her when she was just a couple months old. I even got to finish weaning her off with that nasty mix stuff lol. I can't even remember the name of it, but trying to get that exact temp was a pain.

Anyway shes been a great addition to the house, and all the things she says never fails to make me laugh, even if it's the same thing over and over, she always finds new ways to say it.


anyway if anyone reads this, please check out my post in the health section! I'm a bit worried right now so any asap reply on that would be soo soo much appreciated :D



hope everyone is having a great Wed!

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Hello Kyle and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sabian, that is a lovely name btw.


I read your other post about your problem and something has happened to make her start plucking, do you spend some time with her every day? Does she get bathed or showered twice a week? Has anything happened or changed in the household that may have triggered this behavior?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can. There are many threads about plucking and chewing of feathers so do a search to find them for lots of helpful advice.


We would love to see some pictures of Sabian if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi Kyle, welcome to you and Sabian. I hope some of our experienced members can help you with Sabian's problem. She sounds like a lovely grey. Once things calm down with Sabian, we would love to see some pictures of her and hear some of the great stories you must have about her.

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Hi Kyle, welcome to the forum. It's very troubling whenever a grey begins to pluck- there are so many causes and sometimes it can be easy to solve the problem and sometimes not. I hope you'll find lots of useful info on this site and hopefully something that will help with Sabian. :)

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hey thanks all!

I was able to get a pic up of her for my avatar, but this was before she did her feather thing. But I know she'll get over with some time and care.

I wish I would have found this forum earlier! I've had her for 3 years now.

hope everyone is having a great weekend, i'm off to get her a new toy!

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