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Snuggly cuddly Cleo


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I've started to introduce Cleo to other rooms in the house. We were in the bedroom last night and it was a bit chilly so I hopped under the blankets and invited Cleo to join me. It took very little encouragement for her to crawl into the little hollow I made out of blankets. She promptly snuggled into the warmest spot, completely covered, and went to sleep there. It was the cutest thing ever, her lying on her belly, beak resting on my hand and her little eyes closed.


But what broke my heart was the amount of trust she has in me. How willingly she went under the covers where dangerous predators may well lurk (well not likely in my house but you know what I mean). The way she greets me in the morning, and the way she lets me touch her anywhere and everywhere on her body. And I love the way she sits there with me and watches tv. She seem to like Cops and Gordon Ramsey of all things!


Today I am going to take Cleo into the bathroom and let her watch me have a shower, in the hope she'll be keen to try this too.


Sorry about the long rambling post, this is the only place I can go to pour my heart out. Everyone else just looks at me strangely, that it's just a bird and what's all the fuss!

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Azzie what a beautiful vision and story about you and Cleo's cuddle time. It's just wonderful how much they love and trust us to take care of them. It places a true obligation on us not to break that wonderful trust and bond. I would love to see some pictures of Cleo if you have any to share. Good Job!!!!

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Cleo and I showered!!!

From my point of view it was a huge success, she got pretty soaked and did not appear stressed at all. If anything she appeared more puzzled. Cleo insisted on staying on my shoulder the whole time, which was no mean feat once my skin got wet. I think I can feel the blood running down my back lol.


Cleo became curious about the water, so she stuck her head out and drank some of the shower water coming down. I then slowly turned round and got her tail feathers wet which resulted in some vigorous bottom shaking. She didn't flap or try to get away, so we just did a few circles and got most of her feathers nice and wet. After the shower she spent some time wrapped up in my very warm dressing gown to dry off a little and keep warm while I got dressed.


She is now back in her cage, doing some pretty hard core preening and shaking.


We'll try again in a few days YAY!<br><br>Post edited by: Azzie, at: 2009/04/09 02:29

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Wonderful job, its so nice to cuddle with them , my Zzero loves to cuddle. Sounds like you had a great time in the shower and are very lucky the water was not a enemy to her, keep it up and make it fun.


One thing lol I dont let Zzero watch cops because of all the terrible sounds hehe sirens is not somthing you want her learning. Just a hint lol

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Ooooh lol sirens! I hadn't thought of that! I was more concerned about chef Ramsey's terrible cursing and Cleo repeating that in his voice.

Haha thank you for the advice! Maybe I'll get her to watch Doctor Phil instead, I like his accent.

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Your Cleo sounds like a real doll, so cuddly and cute and that is great that she took to the shower so well as a lot of us have a problem with that.


You better scrutinize any programs she watches to be careful she doesn't hear a lot of words and sounds you don't want constantly repeated during the day but they can pick up the darndest ones.

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Isn't it just wonderful how sweet and cuddly they can be. Shady loves to cuddle up and laydowm on my chest and go to sleep or if Im on my side s/he will snuggle up next to me a sleep they are such little angels when they are young and so trusting of the person who takes care of them. I don't want to waste one moment of this baby stage with shady I just want to spend every minute of it with him/her. I know he will grow up and become more independent and won't need me very much any more so I intend to enjoy it while it lasts. we are starting harness training tomorrow. It won't be hard I put a towel over his head every time I feed him so he doesn't get so much food on his feathers so half the battle is done I can touch him all over so to put the harrness on should be easy its just a matter of how he's going to react to it once its on. The weather here has been so nice it would be nice to get him out side enjoying it. He doesn't really need a harrness yet he hasn't learned to fly but I think this is the perfect time to get him used to wearing one.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/09 07:18

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I hear that, about not wanting to waste a single moment when they're so young and affectionate.


I am pleasantly surprised how quickly Cleo trusted me though. She's been with me 10 days now, and from what I have read I expected it to take many more weeks, possibly even months. I guess the breeder did a great job on getting her used to being handled and what not. She's flying and landing very well now too.


Cleo's feathers sure look an aweful lot better now after her shower.

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You must have had an awesome breeder to have had her socialized so well She must really love on and handle the babies allot. I've been very lucky with good breeders over the years as well. Its nice to get a baby that wants to be loved and cuddle other than one that is afraid.

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Aww Azzie that is so wonderful! Your baby sounds so precious. Ahjari took his first bath the other day at his breeder's house. I asked her how did she do it and she did it in the sink with the spray nozzle. It gets very very hot and humid here on the east coast so he will spend plenty of time taking a bath or shower lol. Thank You for sharing that beautiful story with us!

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Well I have a story my shady decided that he just loves my laptop and I just can't keep him away the little bogger ripped off my backspace button and I can't find it anywhere. mabie this will help you when you chanting I can't get a baby grey:laugh:

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I am envious of you for Cleo's cuddliness ~smiles~ Jenna adores me, I have no doubt of that, but she has never been a cuddler. Isn't it humbling to realize how much trust it takes for a semi-wild creature to relax with you like that? Sounds like Cleo will really enjoy showers, too. One thought, Jenna has always liked showers (I guess the breeder must have showered her regularly). Something I have done from the beginning is to play a towel game with her, and wrap her in a towel after her shower. That is the one time she will let me snuggle her, and that part is good for ME; the part that is good for her is that she is not afraid of towels. So, for example, when we recently went to the vet and they toweled her, it did not frighten her at all.

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