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Baby cage


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Hi everyone ! I'm new to this forum and very soon I'll be a new owner of an African Grey. But before to bring this new member in our family I'm doing my homeworks by reading and learning as much as I can about Greys. I read somewhere that it is a good idea for the first year in the life of a Grey to buy him a Baby cage that is 20X20X28. What do you think about the idea of a Baby cage ? What are your experiences with a Baby cage ? and which dimensions do you suggest for a Baby cage ? Thanks !

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The people who do buy that size cage usually do it because they wanna use it as a sleeping cage.

It's most important that you have the proper sized cage exspecially during the bird's developing time which means baby. A sleeping cage is simply an addon. Some like the idea, some don't.


The size cage you mentioned is for an extremely small bird

The cage you should be looking at should be about 3328x55x


Right now, the cage should be the biggest size you can afford. It will be the bird's permanent home.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/08 17:51

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Hi Farrah, glad you decided to join the family. Congratulations on your new baby grey. I'm assuming your grey will be fully weaned when she comes home. When I brought my baby home at 4 months she was about the same size she is now. She has filled out but is basically the same size. She has always been in her same cage, 32" x 23" x 37." She is comfortable there. With lots of room to flap her wings and climb all over the place, although she is out of her cage most of the daylight and early evening hours. Please ask all the questions you have and read the information that is in the nursery room, I have always found this forum a valuable place to be. Welcome to the family!!!

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hi It really depends on many thing the biggest being how much out of cage time will your bird have. I got sick a few years ago and couldn't work. and because I was home all day my birds cages where opened at 8am and stayed open until 8pm so at that time they didn't need a huge cage because all they did was sleep in it. Then I went back to work last year I decided that working night would be best because then my bird would only have to be locked in their cages for about 3 hours before bedtime I work 5pm til 11 pm 4 days a week but because they did have to be locked in their cages even though it was only for 3 hours they needed bigger cages so I went out and bought 3 of the biggest cages I could find they are Macaw cages I gave one to my Grey one to my Amazon and one to my Severe Macaw. their other cage where not that small but to me because my birds where used to having their freedom need something with allot more room Shady my new Grey is just a baby and hasn't learned how todo allot of anything yet as he is only 9weeks old so for now he is in a cage that is 34x28 x38 its not that small and would probubly due him for the rest of his life but I would feel bad because his cage isn't as big as my other birds cages so I will probubly get him a new one someday. It all depends on the ammount of time your Grey is going to be locked up. only you can decide how big it should be.

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Yes I have read that baby greys are happy in a slightly smaller cage untill they get more acrobatic and confident.some people do this and replace the cage as the bird matures. From a financial point of view, unless you intend to use the smaller cage as a sleep cage it makes sence to just get the larger cage and adapt it by lowering the perches and putting a blanket on the base to ease any falls.

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