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I hope this prevents another death . . .


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I've been working on a website that applies to all species of birds. It's about what happened to Gomez, how it effected my African Grey (Dante), and to hopefully make people aware of the laws regarding veterinarians and what we can do as pet owners. I hope this site helps others, so they don't go through what my family went through.



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Hi Julie - What a great and thorough job you have done on that site. It is packed for of useful information for everyone to consider when procedures must be performed by an Avian Vet. Always ask tons of questions and make sure answers are given that make sense and fill you with confidence, which is what you did.


It very disturbing to here of someone that can not just simply state "I made a mistake and it cost that Parrot it's life". Sometimes "Unknowns" do happen on operating tables and there was nothing the doctor could do. But, if that was the case or an underlying health issue existed pre-surgery, those tests should have been required whether the customer wanted them or not. You would have had them done if that would have been stressed.


Thanks for sharing this. It will help many, I'm sure. :-)

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oh Julie I am so sorry for what happened, I know no condolences will ease your pain, but I am real glad you put your energy into providing this information for others to learn from. I hope it helps to know(just a little) that you may very well save many other lives.


I read your whole story and you tried to everything just right you are not to blame for anything, you were a very great mommy.

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