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He's Here


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Yay! I brought my Tim (Congo, about 6 mos) home on Saturday. He's beautiful, and he's HUGE. He's the biggest CAG I've ever seen. He's very sweet, and he loves his new cage, toys, and is eating like a champ. He loves to have me sit near him and read a book (sometimes out loud) or play him guitar. I wrote him a lullaby which he loves. He's super sweet, and smart... but he doesn't like my hands. He's okay with me changing out his bowls, but if I get too near him with my hands he still freaks out.


Any ideas as to how to get him to trust me? I want to hold him, and love him, and have a good bond with him... but he just won't let me near him... unless I'm outside his cage.

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Aubri, congratulations on your new baby. If you have any pictures of Tim, we would love to see them. I'm sorry he is no settling in quickly. All you can do is be patient and hopefully he will quickly calm down and begin to trust you. Don't give up, they are so worth the effort.

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Congrats!! Was Tim hand fed? Were you able to have visits with him before you brought him home? If so, how was he with you then? Maybe you can talk with the breeder about how s/he handled him. When you say "but he just won't let me near him... unless I'm outside his cage." ...Do you mean that if he's outside his cage, you can handle him? And that if he's inside his cage, you can't get him to come out by putting your hand in the cage and having him "step up"? There are many training techniques you can try depending on what your issue is. If you're trying to get him to step up onto your hand, try using a hand held perch first. You can look in the "training" section of this site or google it. There are sooo many ways...it just depends on the issues and what you're comfortable doing. It looks like you're experienced with other birds. Do you think if he sees your other birds steppin up he'll catch on?...It may not even be a training issue...it may just be a trust issue. I'm sure you'll do fine...you obviously have a caring heart and he'll see that. :)

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Congratulations on getting caught by a CAG{Feel-good-00020114}

But you have only been together a few days!! Give him a chance.

Keep talking to him but never force yourself on him.

He will soon take to you. Greys aren't always cuddle bunnies, their moods will vary as the day goes on. take your cues from him. Remember you have lots of time to grow together. Take it easy.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/04/08 00:19

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Yea! Congratulations on bringing home your baby grey. Did you get a chance to watch the breeder interact with the bird? You may try using the same commands and tone of voice she used to get the baby to step up. Perhaps your baby is just a little confused because you don't do things the same way it is used to. Move slowly around the bird and talk gently and offer treats. Sit outside the cage with the door open and ask if it wants to come out and step up. Usually they will lift up their foot when they are ready to step up willingly. Your bird will come around very soon because it will be wanting to be your friend and have interaction with you. Keep up the good work!

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I'm so glad you got your baby home with you Was he not handled alot by the hand feeder he should love to come out and be with you he may just not know how to step up and doesn't understand what your trying to get him todo have you tried just picking him up and the practice out of his cage. I don't understand why a 6 month old baby would be afraid unless he hasn't been handled since he was weaned.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/08 18:46

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Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind words, and encouragement. Tim is happy, and healthy... and I'm sure we'll bond eventually. I've been talking with his breeder, and she shared some thoughts with me today. I'm going to try to just let him come out on his own, settle down, and then try the "step-up" command. I think he likes me... hopefully he'll trust me soon. He ran over to the side of the cage nearest me this morning when I woke up the birds. He seemed happy to see me. This must be a good sign.

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Congratulations on getting Tim. He will need time to settle but I see already you have some progress.He came towards you in the cage so thats brilliant. Keep up the good work and above all take it slow and at his pace. Keep us all up to date.

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Okay, thanks again everyone! So, I'm still without internet, and only able to log on every couple of days... we've made progress though! Tim came out of the cage! Woo-hoo! He flew off, landed on the floor, and let me "rescue" him. He stepped up pretty willingly after that.


He's kinda gone back to "no-touchey" but he still lets me sit near him, and he calls out to me with a tongue-clucking noise... which as I said, is the noise I do to him. We're getting there! Any ideas for helping him take food from my hands? I want to start training, but I'm not sure how without treats... and he won't take treats from me.

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