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Tail feather first molt


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Hi everyone, great site!

We've had Star from a baby, she's 8 months old now and seems to be going through her first molt.

Her tail feathers are almost non existant, she's probably got one old one left and not much sign of new ones coming through.

How long roughly will it take for them to come through to something like a half decent looking tail!! lol.

I think she's now starting to find her voice, she's been whistling tunes (laurel and hardy, monty python), but she hasn't come out with any clear words yet. Sometimes it might sound like a word and others we just think she said something. How old are they on average when they really get talking?

When my wife gets up in the morning, star flies up and gets into bed with me for half an hour. She's quite happy laying there! Also, we have managed to toilet train her! We'd heard it was possible before we got her so gave it a go...and hey presto, she's got it.....well 90% of the time!! lol

Hello again from Ade and Tracy and Star

and thanks for any advice in the coming times ahead

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Star sounds delightful! You asked about how old they are when they start talking. Timnehs start earlier than Congos; the Congos don't usually really get going until they are about a year olf (there are exceptions, of course) and the Timnehs, about 6 months earlier I think (somebody correct me if I got that wrong)

Welcome to a great forum. Why don't you post on the Welcome forum and tell us more about you and your bird?

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