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Pick A Winner


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I have a Question?

I have asked Vets and pet owners also, but there seems to be a difference of results.

This is a hypothetical situation!!!!!

OK my Ben gets out, or is out, enjoying the freedom and in comes the cat AHHHHHHH! Ben flaps the cat spots her,

A fight starts.

Now normaly we would grab the cat to save the day but who would be the victor? my vet says [by the way I normaly see a doctor] the Parrot would win but some pet owners say the cat.

I dont want this to start a major debate because it will never happen here.

Just thoughts and ideas with light humour.


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Mistyparrot wrote:

The cat probably won't fight the parrot unless cornered but remember a cats scratch is toxic to a parrot so never take a foolish risk.


Steve n Misty

This is only ment to be a non serious thread but thanks I did not know that about the claws ;)
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My 9 week old grey would def. win! Hahaha I have 2 cats in my house and one of my cats, Mia, came to sniff him when he was on the floor and Ecko bite her paw and she ran off. Now she won't go near him. My other cat, Misty loves to play with him and isn't scared of him at all, but she wouldn't hurt him either. Heres a pic of them playing with each other last night, Ecko was pulling the beaded string and Misty was swatting at the string it was soo cute! lol


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One of my cats (the huge male) just ignores the birds, however our female is quite the little hunter and she loves feathers. She used to jump to the top of their cage and stick her paws in and bat at them, until Saphira got ahold of her toe. Now she will watch the birds closely, but as soon as the birds get to close she takes off.

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