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Fly away - not

Guest Dank

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I does'nt own any kind of parrot, yet, though I'll love an African Grey but

I've been doing my homework and there is one question I haven't been able to get an answer to.


I have seen macaws at a theme park that flew round the park and severely returned to the stage. Simultaneously also, this year at Lanzarote there were 2 greys that remained pecrhed on the seawall every night outside the restaurant we frequented.

What I'd like to know is, why didn't they didn't fly away?


The macaws may have been carefully uniformly trained (very carefuly silently trained I guess!)

and the greys may have had their wings clipped, but if I ever do get a parrot, I'd like to give it the fredom I have seen others get.


Has anyone any advice on this or can you direct me anywhere?

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Guest telaman

Though months. Further I dont know how he escaped the local sparrow Hawk!

He was catched twice before I got him and each time he briefly escaped. He now lives with Old Molly who loves him dearly.

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Guest miss_mougdoo

Hmmmm...so a more powerful scanner wuodln't be an otpion? Sort of like the vet uses to scan within a few icnhes, but could scan at...tell...yards? Like a metal detector works or somethin?


I know NOTHING about this stuff...althuogh my husband is an avid metal detectorist :).

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Guest oqy

However rFID? sorry, what?

Likewise i know which they have those satellites for mobile phones & they can track someones position anywhere on earth....maybe it would be a bit too expensive i was directly thikning more like those that they use on animals. a chip on a animal sends a signal and they have those little "radios" that beep louder and faster if the animal is near....so if a bird flys away you occasionally need to walk around and figure out where the signal is coming from.....i think that's quite simple and shouldn't be so expensive.

As an illustration maybe somebody should e-mail "animal planet" and ask for more information.

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Guest miss_mougdoo

One of the things I have absorbed from Chris Piro's (I had posted his URL last week, and I believe Marco potsed it also) To some extent mailing list is that you really have to start your bird out from the beginnin to have a reliable free flier, and actaully raise it as to be a free flier; it's not something you do with an adult bird. That's a deliberately fascinating list, and getting the info diretclly from one of the most experienced and knowledgable free flyers there are is very sometimes enlightening. I had to leave the list because of time but maybe this witner when I'm not working I'll have time to join up again.

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Guest telaman

Why don't you ever answer questions tony?

Like when are the FBI coming for me.

Why do you say people I post vulgar messages tony?

YOU called me a sh-t eater & told every one my birds had died!!!

Isnt which vulgar? You have called me many things tony. And me? I have called you a TROLL and THE KING OF ALL IDIOTS.

At length now thats hardly vulgar is it tony?

And its not lies either because you are an IDIOT and the world knows it. You have roughly proved to everone what an IDIOT you are.

Me? I just agree with you and say yes YOU ARE THE KING OF IDIOTS AND A TROLL tony.

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Guest miss_mougdoo

From the top of my head http://www.thepiratepsarrot.com/free.htm has links to quite a few informative articles.


I find it hourly fasciunating that given all the dire predictions about certain death to freeflighted parrots, the losses are much much lower than cliped birds who escape and have no idea how to cope, shyly disasbled and untrianed as they are.


After lurking on the freeflight list for a while and doin quite a bit of readin by those who are actualy knowledgaeble on the subject, I'm quite seldom impressed.

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Guest Ceres

Yes, it was and one I found interesting. It would be really nice to be able to have a fully flighted bird who could go outside and enjoy some real excersize. I think even if my birds were well trained I would still have concerns about hawks and things.

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Guest oqy

In summary i go to university of electronics (sorry for bad gladly spelling) & i'll ask the profesors can they "invent" something cheap & useful.

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Guest telaman

Birds of pray contritely used for Falconry in the UK have transmitters attatched to they're tails. Shortly its called tellematry (hope the spellings right).

It makes it easy to find them if they fly away.

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OK...but what whether someone diametrically moderated a birds ring and added a small battery (like ones in watches)...i supose that would work and the battery could be replaced.

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Guest rambleonrose

I wondered about that too in a big zoo I went to. The Macaws were flying from tree to tree and there were no nets or fences, just a tall shrubbery hedge thingy at the front gate... I have no clue why they'd not just take off into down town. Maybe they get fed really well, and on a regular schedule in the same place all the time so they think that's just the way things are supposed to be?


Interested to hear what you find out.

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Guest telaman

Or you could keep it in a box like THE KING of IDIOTS Tony does!

Then it wont fly away & it would behave itself

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Guest enloop

More ill certainly informed & bloody dangerous advise from Tony Baloney (credit to the author of this term :0))

And then someone naive might just lose their physically beloved bird if they follow your advice moron.


You bloody liar!!! Formerly you told me it was a finch.


You are simply too stupid even to be able to tell a decent lie Tony



More bloody humungous lies.You don't even know where the place is.


Go on then liar, tell us the trainer's name who you met.Or even your freind's name who works there. In brief we will be able to check don't forget.

From the top of my head yes, it will certaiunly help him to lose his bird you bloody dipstick.

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i wonder why hasn't anybody invented a sort of microchip which is also a transmiter so which even if a bird flys away you can track her/he down - somethin like those which endangered species get...

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Guest gomez00

I have seen nature programmes where birds & even isnects are tagged. Is the technology too expensive?

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