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Doesn't like some parts of my house


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Rita seems quite happy on her cage and other perches around the house. However, if I bring her into some other rooms in the house she seems quite nervous and grips my finger with a death grip. She even bit me when I tried to transfer her to my husband. As soon as I take her out of those 'scary' rooms she goes right back to normal.

Should I try to get her used to the other rooms or just not take her into them?

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It is good to familiarize them with new things and places, including other rooms of your house. Remember, when you take them in a new area EVERYTHING is new and they will of course be on highest alert while in there. It will take a few trips (maybe many. Just start out slow with short entrances.


Only go as far as being able to see in the room and let your Grey look in. Once you think things are well with the door entrance, the next time in, step in SLOWLY and just reassure her it's ok calmly. If you note she starts shaking and grasping hard, leave the room after a few seconds. Normally they are ok, if they are with you and not to close to some object that may frighten them.

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Dan is totaly right Your Grey is going to be fearful of new things but its you job to let her now that new things are not bad they are just new. Eventually she will except thing much more easily and you will have done your job of raiseing a confident happy Grey.:laugh:

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