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New puppy and established Grey?


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We are thinking about adding a new family member – specifically, a pug. But our Grey is our baby (she’s currently 2 years old and shares a very close bond with both my husband and I) and I’m worried she might take a new puppy pretty hard. We work hard to socialize her with different people on a regular basis, but I’m worried mainly about jealousy and anger over a new family member that gets the baby spot.


Have any of you dealt with introducing new animals or children to your parrot, and what worked or didn’t work for you?

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Another thing I have read but have no personal experience with at the moment is that you should prepare the bird just like a small child by telling it about the puppy (like it's his puppy) and preparing the way for it by using the puppy's name in the same sentence with the bird's name, like "Grey's puppy Spot is coming", "There's Grey's puppy Spot", etc. This way he is also investing and sharing in the relationship. I'm sure it will work out fine as long as your grey gets his share of attention!

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Tobie was 1.5yrs old when Oliver died and we got a new 5 mo. old boxer mix, Brandy. Tobie treated it like just another dog and we went throught the "bird training" (teaching the dog not to bother the bird). We have two other dogs though. It was all no big deal to the bird. The dog learned quickly to ignore the bird.

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I have a pug, 8 years old this month, that I have had since she was 8 weeks old. Ana Grey grew up with 2 small dogs at the breeder's home, in fact she use to whine like a chihuahua. Ana Grey ignores Lily, the pug, and Lily barks to let me know if Ana Grey is wandering around on the floor. Either bothers the other and they are equally treated, both getting quality time at different times. Pugs are loving and cuddly dolls, I know you will enjoy living with one.


015-2-1-2.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/04/07 00:18

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