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fearful grey


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Hi there. I have owned my grey for almost 1 year now. All was good until he hung himself by the soft spot under his beak and I had to get him off before he hurt himself any worse. Since then anytime I approach him he screams in fear and thrashes himself about the cage. I still have to go near the cage to feed him but I dont know how to earn his trust again. Have tried food treat which he will take sometimes but as soon as he takes it he freaks out again. He is just a little over 1 year old and was great until this happened. What are some things I can do.

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Hello kraut4me and welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear that your grey lost trust in you. It sounds like he was hurt and he blames it on you. It may take a while for him to build trust again. I would just give him some space, stay away from him and don't bother him until he wants you to. You are probally going to have to go at a slow pace but eventually he should trust you again. Please keep us posted on how everything goes! And if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

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Don't do anything different than you did before the accident act as if it never happened if you approch his cage all upset because he's upset he will sence this try to be as cheerful around him as you can talk to him quietly and sweetly sit beside at a distance that is ok with him and talk from there its not going to be easy but he will come around in time lots of love and patients is needed he's had a fright and even though you were the rescuer he doesn't see it that way. so you have to start from step 1 again don't get discouraged things will get better.

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I am taking it that he was checked over by a vet to make sure he has no painfull injury that could be making him afraid.If not I would sugest a vet visit to be on the safe side. Other wise it will take a lot of time and patiance to regain trust. Give him as much space as possible and just talk to him and offer treats if he will allow without being afraid. Go at his pace and dont push him at all.

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Wow, sorry to hear of this traumatic event to your Grey.


You Wrote: "All was good until he hung himself by the soft spot under his beak and I had to get him off before he hurt himself any worse."


Did this happen ON you or right next to you? What did he get hung up on?


I know the questions do not solve your problem with rebuilding trust with him. But, just curious how you became associated with it other than going to his rescue (Which sometimes then associates you with it).


Only time and patience as you are showing him will overcome this. I know it's killing you not having that loving relationship you had with him. But, it can return, it's the question of how long before that happens.....


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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It can return, it just takes time and patience.


I had a bird who suffered some kind of trauma and we went through all kinds of different stages together.


I would say it took me about 10 months to get my grey back, he is still a bit nervous at times but the trust is back and we have a great relationship, I am so glad I didnt rush things with him and understood what he was trying to tell me.


Go at your greys pace he will let you know when he is ready to move on.

Please update us with any progress or if you just would like to ask questions about anything. :)

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