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How to teach an old bird new tricks??


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Hey Guys! So how's it done! I dunno if my Pogi is stubern?! or he just isnt picking up new tricks easliy! Yep he picking up sounds of everyday life door knocks and closing! But as far a talking goes its not really happning! Ive mangaed only two words in 2 months... I know its a patiance game with these greys but its taking too long I think! So any sujesstions for those that may have taught older birds are welcome!.....:P

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I am guessing that your bird is an older bird by your title. Truth is, some greys aren't talkers. I rehomed a 12 year old grey last year. He does say a couple of words and phrases so I know he can talk but he seems to like whistling or doing sound effects better. It makes no difference to me as he is worth his weight in gold to me and he keeps me laughing and happy ever day.


I do hope you didn't get a grey because you heard they talk. They have so much more to offer than their vocal abilities. Like I said, mine can talk but chooses not to.


Also, like Dave suggested, we do need to know the age and how long you've had him. If you've only had him a few days it might take him awhile to get comfortable enough to talk around you. Please give us more info.

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Oh dear, no need to get offended by Baxtersmom, she was just asking and trying to help YOU! You wanted some advice right? You need to be patient with you grey and not rush him! Just keep repeating things. Some talk and some don't, so don't get mad if he chooses not to talk.

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NO NEED YO YELL AT PEOPLE THAT IS NO WAY TO GET A POSITIVE RESPONCE. African Greys talk when their ready to talk and nothing that you do will change that fact. My grey has a hhuge vocabulary some never talk some only say a couple of words and phrases. Its just like some people they neve shut up others are quiet and reserved and talk very little. It doesn't make them any less speical as I'm sure you know Good luck I hope your bird learns to talk for you.

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Hey Jeanie. I just read your profile. Sounds like fate wanted you to have this specific bird! Pogi is beatiful. The only way to tell gender, other than the bird laying an egg, is to have a dna test done. Maybe it's something to think about at your next vet visit. The vet might be able to estimate an age as well. Some birds pick up new things faster when they're younger.


As for talking, each bird has such an individual personality it's hard to generalize, but I think the best way to encourage talking is to talk alot to the bird. Some members read to their bird from childrens' books. The more fun and animated your voice the more it might intrigue Pogi. Dorian and I 'converse' all day, enough to make me grateful no one else is around most of the time to hear me:lol: Even so, his babble is more than half playing with sound effects, or mixing random words with sounds.


Make a big deal when Pogi does speak a word. They love praise. Then again, who doesn't. Love and patience go a long way with a grey so keep us posted on your progress.

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Hi Jeanie

Just wanted to say that we all like it when our birds learn a trick, a new word or do something funny. Personally I think that the more your bird loves you and trusts you , the more he will be creative. Patience here is the key. I sit next to my bird as he preens and talk to him, just the usual stuff like what happened that day and so. I play with him and sometimes I tease him and he shouts at me. Those moments are priceless and when he picks up a word that youve been trying to teach and surprises you with it...it sounds heavenly. Ive been saying good morning every day to kookie since almost 2 months and suddenly yesterday and before his sleep time, he said good morning...it was so funny and in the wrong time..LOL


The matter is they speak what they want when they want, keep talking to him and saying words you want him to learn...you will never know when he surprises you and you will love it...



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