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Going back to school


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Well, at 42 years of age I have decided to get my butt back in school and make something of myself.:laugh: I guess, it's time for me to grow up.


I recently enrolled in a Techincal School only a few miles from my house. It was just too convienent to not seriously consider it.


I have/had a pretty strong background in the manufacturing and printing industries but they seem to be really getting hit hard in this economy so I am trying the medical route. I have signed up for Massage Therapy and going to take the Clinical and Theraputic side of it as opposed to the spa treatments, although I will be trained for that, too but I want to get in with the Physical Therapy.


Anyway, I have completed 2 days of school and they are teaching me first about the body and body parts, how they work and on and on. I am having to learn all new words for my body parts:laugh: and they all have so many letters in them. It's not just an arm or a leg anymore:dry:


I feel like a fish out of water in there and learning a strange new language at the same time but it is also fun and exciting too. Apparently, they will help place you (locally) for work when I graduate.


This means I will be doing a lot of studying in the next year. I will still be on the forum, checking in but I might not be able to be as active as I was in the past.


So this is the next chapter of my life. I am excited and scared. I just hope I pass the course. So far it seems pretty hard and lots to learn but I think I'm up to the task.


And if anyone else on here have thought about going back to school to further your education even if you're not a spring chicken anymore (like me) I would say go for it. They really made it easy for me to go.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/04/05 19:20

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Congratulations and power to you! I hope you have a good memory - trying to associate visuals with the anatomy - you will have to memorize all the muscle groups and there are many!! Also pay extra attention when they show you how to not hurt your fingers, hands and back... It might be a good idea for you to start some yoga exercises... it really helps spring chickens like us not pull a muscle! :silly:

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Thanks Poppy and HappyinGreece. In the first 2 days that's what they had us doing...memorizing, memorizing and more memorizing. We have been working on the skull the first 2 days and yes, you need to have a good memory I have found out:blink: Still working on it. I think we are going to do a couple scalp massages next week and are going to learn some stretches and excercises on how not to hurt ourselves, too. Who would have thought giving a massage was hazardous to our health. :huh:


I have been looking through the books and we have to learn alot, all the muscles, all the bones and ligaments, tendons and so on. I'm still working on "The head bone is connected to the neck bone":woohoo:


HappyinGreece...you sound like you have some knowledge of this "stuff" I am learning. Are you a massage therapist or in the medical field as well? And thanks for the tip on pulling a muscle for the "not so young spring chickens" :laugh: {Nature-000200A9}

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Go for it girl.Thats fantastic news. I wish you all the best and hope you keep us up to date on your progress.I would love to do nursing,but I could not afford to give my job up to do the study.It is a full time commitment and the pay while learning is just not practical for me.You go for it.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 20:46

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she wrote:

I would love to do nursing,but I could not afford to give my job up to do the study.It is a full time commitment and the pay while learning is just not practical for me.You go for it.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 20:46


I know exactly what you mean Sheila. I am doing it but I really don't know how we are going to make it through without me bringing money into the house like I used to. I don't have to pay for my schooling untill I am done (thank goodness) but we have cut back on almost everything we can think of and I'm still not sure it's going to be enough. Of course, we may be going through hard times but the birds won't;) They have no idea money is tight. That's the one thing that won't be skimped on.


I did have to think long and hard about it and I came to the conclusion that I can't afford to go to school but I can't afford Not to go either:unsure:

At the moment we don't even have health insurance because my husband work isn't offering it anymore:angry: and I have been feeling run down and tired for over a week and I have a sore throat. I haven't been sick in over 5 years atleast but let us not have insurance and of course I get sick.


We recenlty moved and I started looking for work and found that there aren't many places hiring in what I do or they are already laying workers off and I got scared:ohmy: (Stupid recession):angry:


I keep telling myself IF we can get through this year we will be fine as it's only a 7.5 month class. It will be lots of macaroni and cheese for us for awhile though.:laugh:

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Congratulations on continuing your education!!


You are going into a field that is still increasing in demand, not receeding like many others. As all the baby boomers keep on aging, millions more will need such attention. :-)

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One of the reasons I chose this particular class was that it is increasing in demand and is getting more recognized & needed in the medical field. My future should be stable:side:


In 4 days I have already learned alot. It's not like high school, they give out the info and expect you to know it in a short amount of time:unsure: I took my first test yesterday and got an "A":woohoo: and I have another test tomorrow:S (Lots of tests:dry: )

I gave and received my first massage today and it felt pretty good. I needed it, too.

I am learning many things that I never even thought of about massages and clients. One that particularly sticks out in my mind or is haunting me is that the clients can and do get so relaxed that it is not uncommon for them to fart:sick: OMG!!! I guess if it happens while I am giving a massage I will consider it a compliment:lol:


Today was the first day I actually flet half way good and wasn't so darn tired. I am so glad. I was really stressing out over this cold. It was a bad one. But I'm feeling good and really think I'm going to enjoy going to school again. :)


And if anyone is in the north Texas area and needs a massage, I know of a real good massage therapist;)

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I am so proud of you Erika for having the courage to go back to school and learn a new trade. I know it is not an easy task for I did just that myself except I was a little older when I went back, I graduated from community college a month before my 50th birthday. I loved that experience, of course I had some friends that went with me so I had company all the way but it just goes to show you are never too old to go back to school or to learn.


You can practice on me anytime, too bad you are in Texas and I am in Virginia, maybe a trip to Texas is just what this old body needs.:whistle: :dry:

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Oh yeah heh when a person is fully relaxed, THAT part relaxes too and things sometimes slip out. And aah...sometimes men experience another issue too when they are being massaged. Just an involuntary reflex.

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Azzie wrote:

. And aah...sometimes men experience another issue too when they are being massaged. Just an involuntary reflex.


Oh Gosh Azzie::laugh: What other surprises I have to look forward to :blink: . I didn't even think about that "involuntary reflex" :blush: Oh my...What to do, What to do??:S Some things they just don't teach in the books:huh:


So far, I have actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Everyone is so friendly there. I was glad to see a bunch of different ages in the class, from 18 to one lady in her mid 60's and several in between. Said she was retired and bored so she went back to school. I might even end up with a few new friends by the time it's over. It's been really good so far. Except for all these "surprises" I am finding out about along the way. :unsure:

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I've been going to school for 2 1/2 weeks now. They are really cramming my head full of stuff. Lots of big big words too:blink: My head is spinning but I am doing it. We've take alot of tests, too. We've already taken 6 of them:angry: There are always bonus questions too. So far my grades have been 95, 105, 100, 100, 115 and most recent was a 60:ohmy: . I knew that last one was gonna be a doozy. That last was totally unacceptable to me and can't let that happen again but overall I think I am doing real good. It is fun and I am really enjoying it alot!

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Congrats Erika! I am proud of you!! I too am back in school studying the same body parts, muscles, tendons, ligaments, metabolism, body fat, target heart rate, etc. I am now taking my certification test for personal fitness trainer and it is a lot of info to stuff in this old brain of mine! :S

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Penny, congradulations to you, too. Yep, I'm learning the anatomy and physiology of the body. I feel like I am studying to be a doctor or something. I should get paid alot of money for learning the things I am learning:laugh:


I was also thinking of building off of massage therapist and maybe later taking the personal trainers courses... Then I could train the clients, tear their muscles up and then massage the pain away;) I could double my money with ;) one cliet:P Who knows where it will lead though. I still think I am leaning towards the medical part of it. But there are so many opportunities for me to build off of now. If I can just make it the next 6 or 7 months:blink:

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Well, good for you! You will do great, and there is a lot of medical in personal training that most people don't know. I felt like I was studying to be a nurse, that's what I kept telling my kids.


Thanks for your support Judy!!! :kiss:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Well, I have hit my halfway mark. YEA!!!! The new has worn off, it's not quite as fun anymore:laugh: but I'm still trudging along. I have learned how to massage the head, face, neck, arms, legs, butt:blush: and starting on the back. I am thrilled my grades are still A's but it's been a struggle. I am looking forward to the internship and massaging real clients and that's coming up pretty soon. I am also looking forward to making some money at my new profession. This not working has about sent me to the poor house. I miss shopping!!! But hope to make up for it soon;)

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