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Dear All,


i am afraid that one of my birds has got infected with mites, so i went to the vet and he gave me a product that is made in holland called "Aerosol Spray for Cage Birds" it does not sound for me as a brand name,


anyways, i researched on the internet and could not find a manufacturing source, so i really dont feel comfortable for using it, and unfortunetly, my country does not really have vets nor pet stores that are specialized in birds and birds treatments, so i was wondering if you can help me in telling if the below active ingredients are safe or not


1- Pyrethrins

2- Piperonylbutoxide

3- hydrocarbons




appreciate your feedback.

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Hi Bebo

I am not sure about those, perhaps some other members have more information. Just wanted to tell you in case you know someone in UAE (Abu Dhabi or Dubai) you can ask them to get you some Antimite bird spray from here. They can find at the British vet clinic or the NAD Al Shiba Falcon hospital...


As for the spray you have, if prescribed by vet, then should be ok, You can double check with another vet if possible. Or just try it out on a small spot of skin first, maybe the bottom of leg just to see if its ok with your bird and is not irritating his skin...wait about half day and if its not disturbing him, try spraying at other spots...Please stay away from head (eyes, ears, beak and nostrils)



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hi ranaz,


ironically in the past 3 years, i used to visit dubai every other month but this year due to financial crises i dont think that i will visit dubai anytime soon :(


however my sister lives in Al Ain, i will ask her to check for me ...


however if you can help in telling me the exact location of these 2 places, i would highly appreciated ...


the British vet clinic


NAD Al Shiba Falcon hospital


thank you

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How do you know he has mites? A regular vet suggested that? Unless your parrot is outdoors a lot, where he could pick up mites from wild birds, mites are unlikely. Mites are pretty rare in pet birds kept indoors. Is your bird itching? Plucking? I would take the bird to an avian vet only for proper diagnosis and treatment. Pet store mite sprays are toxic to birds. You really should visit an avian vet even if it's a difficult to get to--One of the chemicals ( you asked about is extremely toxic and when it's recommended for dogs or cats, strict directions have to be followed.

Bebo---sorry, but the medication above is for fleas and ticks and most vets who recommend it are referring to dogs and cats. And those vets are usually regular vets.

Pyrethrins was sometimes used by exterminators to kill cockroaches a while back.

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Hi dave,


well, yes, she itches alot, she doest pluck feather, but rather i see alot of downys on daily basis ... the doctor did not diagnose her for mites, but today morning i found a small black bug on the cage bars this morning so i assumed its mites...


ever since i got her and she is inside the house never went out ...


i guess i will have to see another doctor...

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I don't believe so. In order to diagnose mites, the skin has to be thoroughly examined and mites will leave a certain sign that they're present. That sign tells the vet that there's an infection. If you actually saw a black bug, it would be something else. Check wuith your vet but I doubt he's gonna find mites especially since you say he's indoors most of the time.


Mites normally affects dogs and cats and mites get their nourishment from the dryed up tiny flakes of skin on dgs and cats. They bury themselves in that skin.Sometimes, those dogs and cats also have scabies which is another skin infection<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/05 20:43

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I know one way to check for red mites is to cover the cage with a white sheet at night, and check for the tiny tiny beggars in the morning. Not all mites are detectable that way though, and like it has been mentioned above, a thorough examination of the skin by a vet is needed.

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