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Hi again, Grey loving family! WHile Sherlock is behaving much more'normally'''talking, kissing, dropping head for scratches, I have noticed a bulgy area near where I think her crop is. SHe has pecked feathers off here, so her pink skin is visible. SHe has be SO good about taking meds and making the transition to Harrison's and organic stuff - vegetables - carrots, beet greens, squash - brown rice, eggs, mango, sugar snap peas. I am worried about this crop thing. The avian vet's diagnosis was rather...vague... gastritis. Even after Xrays, that is the best she could do. Do your greys' crops bulge and then deflate? I know that this is part of the digestive tract, but I am now super sensitive to every change. I hate to divulge this - but her excrement is fairly 'normal'...not watery and darker due to the diet change. Have any of you had this problem with gastritis that is mis-diagnosed, or that won't go away? Sherlock's diet is really good, I think. SHe is ALL over the Harrison's bread...the pellets...eh not so much. With this and the antibiotics and the calcium booster, I truly thought that she was 'out of the woods.' Anyh input is so helpful from you. Have I told you all how much I appreciate you?

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We all appreciate you and Sherlock so much and you are both a sweet addition to our family. I will keep praying for sherlock to heal very fast. I dont really know anything about this crop bulge but I think an avian vet will be able to give you the best diagnosis.


All the best to you both and I am glad about the smooth transition in Sherlocks diet



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I have not noticed a bulge in Josey's crop even after eating, you may need to consult another vet about that if you are doubting the one you are seeing now.


I'm so glad to hear you have been successful in transitioning Sherlock to a more nutritious diet, he will be healthier for it.


Please let us know what you find out about this latest development.

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Thanks for that, judygram. I think I am merely paranoid after last week's vet venture. There are so few avian vets in the Chicago area. I think she did all she could and I am simply overreacting. I feel as I did when I had my first child, Sarah. I focused on the minutia of her health...SHe survived my motherhood and when two boys followed, they were not treated like 'eggshells'. i will try to get pictures posted...not sure how to do that, tho. I have a digital camera, but don't know how to upload stuff to computer... sorry, I am old school but teachable. Have a blessed Easter, all. (or Passover) Again, thank you for much help and support.


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I can see how you can get too paranoid about things, your kids and your fids are utmost important and we can get over protective of them. You may have to venture further out to find a good vet, I have to travel some for mine, good ones are hard to come by but I do what I have to for them.


You are never too old to learn and we will get you straightened out on posting pictures if you want to learn how.


Hope you have a blessed Easter as well.

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