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So glad that shes doing better...really so glad..thank God....she had us all worried and I was thinking of her last night when I went to bed...

Well from now on shifting her diet is going to be a challange, just wait a little til she is better though before attempting a change. She must have lost weight so you have to be carefull. Any way the most important thing is that shes doing better...and the vet will give you instructions for the rest

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Thank God she out of the woods and doing better I feed my birds fiesta also but they also get Zupreen fruity pellets eggs 2times a week, squash.sweetpotato,broccoli, romain lettce beet green, brownrice and 12beanmash which also has a ton of other veggies in it I have 2 birds that also won't eat pellets but the rest of their diet is enough to keep them healthy without the pellets but I wouldn't do any big changes right away either she needs to get her health back then you can slowly introduce new foods Its not an easy task to change their diet and you will be throwing allot of food away but just keep giving her new thins everyday eventually she will try them and like them eventually."I" don't think I prayed so hard for anything than I did for that little bird to be well again. Thank goodness she's responding well to treatment and please keep

us updated on her progress.

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thank you all so much. Sherlock is home!!! Yahoooo! Diagnosis- gastritis, prob from too many nuts...that is all she would eat - almonds, peanuts, pumpkin/sunflower seeds. She is on anti-biotics and calciquid, and probiotics. I have to adjust diet...drastically. I have begun a regiment of pellets and kale,watercress, broccoli, and a few peanuts to help w the transition. The entire staff did not wnat me to take her home... they loved the 'bon jour' 'wanna buy a book' 'don't bite' 'knucklehead'and many other phrases she would repeat, and her boogie dance was a favorite. I thank God she is going to be okay, as long as I get the food thing under control. I appreciate all of your advice and encouragement; you are wonderful. Hugs to you all. From both Sherlock and me!

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Jane, great news that Sherlock is home and that a change of diet will make everything, A-okay!! Let us know how the new diet goes. I hope that once everything settles down you will be able to share some pictures of Sherlock with us and that we can hear more about him and how you came to have him. Karma to you for caring so much about this wonderful grey.

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please get yourself a cheap digiatal kitchen scale that weighs in gr or oz. yhis is your early warning that somethings wrong. I got one at Canadian tire for 30. you can pick them up at walmart or any other deptstore they aren't expensive but they are a very inportant part of owning a parrot. I am soooo happy Sherlock is home have you tryed Zupreem fruity pellets they ae the only pellets my birds will eat and my vet said Zupreem pellet are the best next to harrison. Your a very good mommy and please don't be mad at yourself for not knowing what sherlock should eat your correcting that now and thats the main thing. Its going to be a long hard road to change Sherloks diet but with patient and alot of eating with him he should do ok. Sounds like you have quite the sweetheart there she sounds like she was having a good time after she started feeling better.when you get a chance could you post a couple pictures of that little darling that scared the daylights out of all of us. talk to you later got to go feed my little baby I have 2 African Grey congos Tyco and Shady Grey Tyco is 6 yrs old and Shady is still being handfed s/he is 9 weeks old.

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OMG I just read this topic for the first time. I am so happy that Sherlock made it through - SO happy for both of you. I just lost my Alex with basically the same symptoms!! I did not get him to the vet in time. He died in my arms right after the vet appointment. It crushed me and I can't stop blaming myself and I promised myself that I would be paranoid careful with my next bird. I was also giving Alex tons of food (fresh veggies, fruits, seed mix, sometimes fish, and was letting him try anything I was eating (except for chocolate, avocados, soda and coffee). He still preferred almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and brazil nuts above all and we were giving him as much as he liked cause I figured he was a growing boy.... Did I kill him with kindness???? Is it really so dangerous - too many nuts? Does anyone else know about this?

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Congratulations on bringing Sherlock home in much better health. :-)


It's GreYt to hear the issue was found and you have been given good advice on the diet. They will eat veggies sometimes and others times not. It's almost as if they are human and think Naaaaaa, I had that yesterday...thanks anyway. The important thing is that Sherlock does eat them.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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I've also found that different methods of preparation can make a difference between acceptance and rejection. Madame Cleo abhors raw carrot, but if they're steamed they're a big hit. Good luck with your birdie = )

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So how is Sherlock doing I trully hope she is back to her playful messy talkitive loving self again. I know how hard it is going to be to get her to eat whats good for her. they are so much like children and if they had their way they would eat nothing but junk food. I've found with my birds that if you make things that taste good they will eat it my birds love omlettes I pack them full of red peppers, choped broccoli, alittle grated carrot and cheese the birds don;t know its good for them they just enjoy it I also make french toast for them on 12 grain breadI mix a little sweet potato into the egg mixture this is also a favorite. You can make corn bread and grind up some zupreem fruity pellets in there Some time it takes a little ingenuity to get the good stuff into them but it is possible you just have to make them think the good stuff is what they really want. you can do it out smart tha baby of yours and get some good food into her everyday even if its just a little it will be enough to keep her healthy and happy good luck nd don't be a stranger

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Wow, I only just saw this thread! You and Sherlock have really been through it, haven't you? I am SO glad you got her to a vet quickly!!! So have you tried Birdie Bread with her yet? How is she doing on adapting her diet?

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Im soooo glad that Sherlock is back home and doing well.

Good luck in the food change, I know its difficult cos I have the same story with my grey, if I leave him with no seeds he would eat very little but we gotta be patient...



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Hi all. Update on Sherlock - She is doing marvelously well with the diet transition from 'junk food' to pellets and veggies. She is not so fond of kale (can't blame her), LOVES Harrison's bird bread that I made on Wed. I made a squash/brown rice/yogurt mash - no recipe, just tried to invent something palatable ...verdict is still out. I threw in a bit of eggshell, which my vet did not advise, but so many grey owners swear by this. I think the texture is weird for her? I was delighted to know that when given pellets first, Sherlock will eat them. (Harrison's high potency course that vet gave as samples) Now I need to find a larger bag and maybe try something finer than 'course'. WHat do you think? Sherlock is rewarded for taking her meds with an almond and 2 peanuts! Woo hoo! Thnaks again for help and input! Time to buy a kitchen scale for Sherlock.

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