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I am a new Grey owner - I have had my uncle's bird for a year now. She has just begun regurgitating and I am very worried. It does not seem to be the same as other threads I have read - the love, mating thing. Rather, Sherlock is quieter and hasn't really pooped since yesterday. Her stool was loose and runnier than normal yesterday. The regurgitation smells... salty...very clear like saliva, no food. Last night she seemed to perk up, but this morning when I checked on her, there was a lot of fluid on her papers in cage, as though regurgitating all night. Do I rush to the vet? She is perching, but not talking as much. HELP!?

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This bird will dehydrayte and die very quikly if its not eating of drinking get that bird to a vet asap or it will die. There is a difference between voniting and regurgatataying and your bird is vomiting don't wait go to the vet asa soon as you can. if you can give it anykind of liquids try Apple sauce grapes petalyte for children but go to the vet please.

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Hello sievj and welcome to the forum! I agree with them, you should go to the vet ASAP!! Does she have her feathers all puffed out while she is perching? That is another sign of her being sick, they like to hide their sickness because its a defense mechanism in the wild. Please take her to the vet and please let us know how it goes! Good luck!

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thank you. Went to the vet - a 911 emergency place...the exotic bird doc won't be there until tomorrow at 9 am (I am in the Chicago area.) They are holding her there, will try a stool check. I learned that Greys and other parrots mask health while really rather sick, I started bawling...her symptoms only presented yesterday afternoon. This morning her crop was bulgy, due to excess fluid. I will call them again in a few more hours for an update...she may not even make it through the night. I said good-bye (Please, Dear God, not forever)and bawled. I fell in love with this sweet, incredibly intelligent bird...I never was a bird-lover, but Sherlock won me over the first time she said "bon jour!" when I uncovered her cage in the morning. She has been a cuddly, bright and FUNNY family member. Quite a solace and comedian she has been as I am in the third year of a horrible, expensive divorce from an abusive spouse. She learns quickly, except to say, God bless you after I sneeze. Sorry, this is probably too much information for this site. I am new as of today. I want to call the vet every hour...waiting til 5 pm, or 4, or ...3. Thank you for your help. I am very sad and worried. If she makes it through the night, I will meet with the aviary vet @ 9a.m. Monday...she may be transported from there to a better facility. I requested CPR if necessary while they administer antibiotics (if needed) - but - the prognosis is not good. I am wondering what I did...? Again thank you...time for Kleenex

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Hi Sievj..my goes out for you and your bird...i will really pray for her tonight...Ive been there like you before and I know how heart tearing it is but I really hope that Sherlock gets out of this healthy. Im glad you kept her at the facility and I hope the vet tomorrow is really an expert and he can find a cure.

You said her crop is gulging with fluids, but does that mean she is drinking a lot? is she still urinating, because if she is, it means that fluids are passing through her system.

When was the last time she ate and what did she eat. You need to tell that to the vet tomorrow, try to remember any detail you did at home, like insecticide, detergent, medication....this will also be helpful. Also when did her watery stool started?


I really hope she gets better soon, just make sure when u call them at the facility that she is kept warm and visit her early morning , Im sure she would like to see you as soon as she wakes up...


Please keep us posted and we will all send good prayers your way...

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Thank you so much...I have used mostly water when cleaning cage, but have used a water/vinegar mix rarely. I bought peanuts and almonds from the grocery store, as that is what she seems to eat primarily. She picks through all of her 'Fiesta' large beak stuff to find the peanuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds, so I (stupidly) figured that this is what her body craves. (Just like 'couch potatoe kids crave junk food) In the past year, I have never seen her eat a pellet of any kind, and my aunt and uncle said this is 'normal' for Sherlock..no big deal. I hav esupplemented her diet with all kinds of fresh fruit and veggies...a few weeks ago, I gave her some left-over salmon that we had for dinner...she loved it...can Greys eat this? I checked and didn't find any negatives regarding this, but , idk. I will let you know when I have an update. I LOVE pics of all of your birds, people. This is a true comfort to me today. Thank you.

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I too will be praying and sending healing thought to Sherlock. I know you probubly won't sleep tonight but just know that you didn't do anything wrong sometimes things happen. When Sherlock gets better buy youself a cheap digital Kitchen scale and weigh Sherlock at least once a week This will help you to detect sickness early if he loses more that 10% of his weight its time to take him to the vet. Birds hide their illnesses for as long as they can because in the wild a sick bird would be banished from their flock and a bird without a flock is an easy target for preditors. the first warning sign of illness is weight loss. Just a little helpful advice. So next time you'll be prepared. he wasn't exposed to any overheated Teflon or anything was he. thee are so many things that are bad for birds. I'm sure this isn't your fault.

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Thank you all so much for the wonderful support and prayers. You are wonderful. Sherlock (my uncle named him this as he used to be head of covert ops in CIA...then 'she laid and egg') made it through the night ! I visited this morning, spending an hour with her on my shoulder at the vet's. SHe did not want to get off, was digging her claws in. today involved the 'transfer' from one practice to another - general 911 for pets on nights & weekends, exotic pet practice from 9-5 weekdays. I have to wait until 4 p.m. to call...eh. Sherlock will spend another night there, and if a diagnosis is made and treatment follows, she could be home tomorrow!!! A much better day for us both !!! Thank you all....more to follow...

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Thank God he made it through the night thats great news waiting to hear more I'm glad to hear he had the strength to make it this far Iwill keep the prayers and healing thought coming please keep us updated we love all the Greys the members here are one big family and when one is sick we all worry.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/07 04:34

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Again, thank you all for your loving thoughts and prayers. Sherlock is much better - x-ray revealed potential problem in upper g.i. (I need to be more intentional about the inner workings of her little body...before Sunday I thought a crop - as I am from Iowa - referred to corn and beans) Bloodwork was not back as of 4 pm Monday, but she is responding well to antibiotics, so there was prob some infection. Had a lengthy conversation w the doc about her diet...I felt so stupid..My aunt and uncle said that she wastes a lot of food ("Fiesta") and mostly eats peanuts, squash seeds and almonds...so I was even buying more of these at the local grocer...hey she LIKED it, it must be good for her...WOOPS. In the past year, I have never seen her eat a pellet. Doc mentioned a vitamin A deficiency - gosh, no wonder. I have offered tomoates, carrots, broccoli,oranges, apples, any fresh veggies and fruits that I have. At times she will gobble these, other days, as they say in Chicago 'fuh-gedd-aboud-id'. Lord willing, I will be able to bring her home today. I will ask about better food for Sherlock - and a place to purchase. If you have any suggestions, I am most teachable! Again, I appreciate deeply your help, prayers and encouragement. Any advice is welcome. More to follow...

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