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update on boo bird!


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well i had boo bird for 2 months now and hes really grown very fond of me. for those of you who dont know boo bird is a 10 yr. old cag i adopted. im his third owner. the first woman had him for 9 years but got cancer and had to rehome him (sad to say she died 6 months ago). well the man i got him from had him in a hallway with about 30 other different kind of birds for a year. no human contact, tv, etc. well for all the changes hes been through he is a very good bird! he dosent talk very much his two words are good morning and boo bird. probly what his last owner said to him in passing. but he is mumbleing alot of things i cant quite understand. do greys usually mumble the word before they really say it clear? also i know he really loves me cause when i put him on my shoulder he lowers his head for scratches and he trys to vomit on me all the time(never really did it yet). this is all new. at first he wouldnt let no one near him but with lots of time and love he is really becoming such a sweet bird.

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Awww, that's great news! Sounds like Boo Bird is adapting wonderfully in his new home and is obviously fond of you. Isn't it the best feeling to have earned the trust and affection of such an incredible being?! I'm so happy for you and thrilled for Boo Bird!:) Congrats.

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Fantastic news. Boo is really settled in now and yes they mumble a lot before saying words clearley, its like practice. I am sure his first owner who had him for 9 years would be happy knowing he is doing so well. Good luck and keep us all updated.

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Im glad that you have established a good relation with Boo...I know its not easy...he will say very funny things when he is practicing...just encourage him and talk to him...it will get clearer.


You know its funny cos my Kookie says lots of things that only I understand and other people dont..its like only the mother can understand her baby's language..



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You have done a wonderful job in rescuing and giving Boo a loving home that he is obviously flourishing in. It sounds like the both of you are enjoying the new relationship immensely. :-)


Thanks fore the update and come around more often. We love to hear of all our members Greys antics and new things.

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That is great news! Boo Bird has come a long way and I am so happy for you! Thats good that he is mumbling alot because that means he is practicing his words. Maybe you will start to hear new words from him soon. Thanks for the update and make sure to update again! :)

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