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Shaka Zulu is moving in next weekend!


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Yay I am so happy :)!!! I got the final word from Shaka Zulu's current owner. She said he already seems to trust me and like me and she is bringing him to live with me next weekend. I can't wait! He is just the best bird ever and has such a good temperment. Once the little guy gets settled in I will take some more pictures to show you all and maybe even some videos if I can figure that one out ;)

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Thanks all :) You're right Storm it is going to feel like a year. I will have to stay very busy so it can pass quickly. I hope he will not be too traumatized since I have gone to visit several times and held him and talked to him, etc. My main concern is that he is used to being out of the cage 24/7 with the door never shut. I work everyday and I don't want him to be able to hurt himself when I am gone and he is roaming freely in a room but I also don't want to make him very upset by being in a cage during the day when he is not used to that. Any suggestions? Do any of you let your birds stay out when you are not home?<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/05 06:48

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Thats brilliant. I was wondering how you got on.Now the fun starts.Take it slow with him when he comes to you and just let him settle down, he is sure to be a bit unsettled.Keep us up to date on his move.I would make sure he is safe in his cage when you are not home,its not safe to leave him out.Just make sure he has a large cage and plenty to keep him busy,My grey loves chewing up phone books and He has a little toy box which I put different foot and chew toys as well as some food treats for him to find while I am out.


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 12:42<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 13:41

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Congratulations on being a one digit midget now summer!!


In terms of getting Shaka Zulu used to being in the cage more, it would help if you could ask the breeder to start keeping him in his cage for periods of time.This will get him on the path in understanding that Cage time is a normal part of life with humans.


As the others so rightly stated. You can spend the next week getting that Cage turned into a Fun House for him with foraging toys, wooded toys he can chew up, a toy or two with big cow like bells to clang around etc.


It's going to be one of the longest weeks in your life, but worth it. :-)

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Thanks all for the responses. Well Shaka Zulu is a 5 year old bird so he has been living in freedom without being shut in the cage for 5 yrs. She has his cage there but leaves it open so he can come and go from it as he pleases. She has done a phenomonal job with him, raising him and all. He is very even tempered and not a much of a biter. This might be bcause he is allowed so much freedom. I am getting home on Friday or Saturday though and I will see how he reacts to the cage some if I leave to go to the store etc. He is keeping his current cage for now. She and I thought that would be best because he is comfortable with it. I will be looking to buy him a new bigger one in the next few months. It is a cage that is fine for Greys but I would rather he had a huge cage when I am going to be gone 8 hrs a day to work. He only has one toy in his cage now. She said he does not care for them but I am going to have some new ones waiting on him to try them out. I think when he destroys the toys, she took that to mean he does not like them. Really, they love to shred toys up.

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OMG Ihave been so waiting for you to tell us that you got this bird. I'm trilled to peices for you. If you have a birds safe bird room for your bird then I think its ok to leave their cage door open 24/7 if not then its better that he is saftly locked in his cage when you are not home. I do leave Tyco out sometimes because there is nothing in the room he is in that he can hurt herself on. She also was not permited to fledge as a baby so she doesn't fly. o I often leave her on her playtop or playgym as long as I'm not going to be gone to long no more than 2 hours. she is always right where I left her when I get back.

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