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Aviator Harness


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Same for Tobie. He doesn't like putting it on. The trick for me is just staying calm while he grabs it with his feet etc. If I just keep moving slowly and talking calmly, we manage ok. It's really nice once it's on. Tobie used a flight suit all summer and really was pretty good about putting it on, but once it was on he chewed the straps alot and in the process he chewed his feathers around the straps. He doesn't chew the aviator harness once it's on.

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I have to buy another one and give it a try vacuum at the clasp. I love it storm hates it. I went slow took months before i put it on her. let it hang by her cage for long time. then the day came to put it on she fought tooth and nail. I gave up and she didnt talk to me for a week. Gave me the cold shoulder. Is a shame i like hiking and it would be a blast to bring her along.

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