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I am so excited I got it yesterday, flew in from PA to NYC on Delta Airlines. Talk about a bird flying on a bird. It was a wonderful experience for both of us as she came out of her cage peeking out looking at me and I lovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee the way she shows so much affection. It is now 5months 1week old. I just have to get the right cage, any suggestions where I can purchase one for an inexpensive price?<br><br>Post edited by: MrLourdes, at: 2009/04/06 03:52

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Congratulations MrLourdes!!


Glad to hear your new baby Grey made it safe and sound. :-)


Ebay is a good pace to find cages reasonably priced with shipping included if you carefully review them.


There are also several good websites to look at also and most include free shipping:





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Hello Mr Lourdes and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and congrats on getting your new grey baby. Do you have a name picked out yet?


I am so relieved to hear your bird arrived in good shape, you always worry about that when shipping a bird.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some you would share with us we would love to see her.

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Hey guys thank you so much for the warm welcome!! Lucy is so beautiful and cuddly and loving and would not stop coming to me. I just went to petco today and bought her a cage! I have a question, is it normal for this baby to keep wanting to jump on to my shoulders? she does not like to be left alone at all when I am home and does not want to stay on top or in the cage! Whenever I walk by she goes in to flight and ends up landing on the floor. My heartbreaks each time she does that! When I put her in the cage she goes crazy trying to get out. My goodness shes a handful. lol I will post some pics up tomorrow!

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Congrats on your baby CAG! I know how exciting it is to begin this new adventure with a grey! My baby always steps onto my shoulder, too, and nuzzles in my neck all the time. It's normal for them not to want to be apart from you while you're home, but hopefully your cag will start to spend some time playing on the cage top soon, too!

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MrLourdes your little Lucy is looking for her new flock, she has been removed from all she knows, her siblings, her breeder. You are all she has, and she wants to know where she belongs she wants to belong to her new flock, you. You need to reassure her that you and she are forever companions. When she is more comfortable with her new home she will calm down. Talk to her, reassure her and when she trusts that you are always there for her and she knows the daily routine all should be well. My little Ana Grey would love to sit on my shoulder too but I do not let her. She has table top perches, or swinging perches in all the rooms of the house, or the back of my typing chair to sit on, not me. She is usually with me all day. Ana's breeder clipped her wings before I purchased her so she also tries desperately to fly and it is heart breaking. Ana Grey has oodles of toys to play with, a boing, a cargo net and several different perches to sit on with toys hanging from them. She has lots to keep her busy and has become quite independent. I believe so will your little Lucy once she feels safe that she is home forever with her new family. This is what I have learned with my little Ana. I hope it helps. Good Luck!

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Thank you for replying back. Is it ok to place the grey in the cage and close the cage doors at night? or should i leave it open? it starts banging on the cage door and the top of the cage wanting to get out. I am trying to get some sleep but I dont want her to get hurt in the cage.

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You need to keep your Grey in the Cage with the door shut anytime you are not home, in bed, busy and can not watch your Grey etc.


They are very inquisitive and can get into something in the blink of an eye that could either mame or kill them. Such as biting through an electrical cord, chewing through a container that holds something poisonous to them, falling into a toilet bowl if you don't keep it shut and drown etc.


One thing on the Cage. If it does not have atleast 3mm thick bars or better, as you see in photos of our cages here. Your Grey can easily bend and break them which can cause serious injury to them.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Dan is so right. Your grey needs to be secure in the cage whenever you are not supervising.Just remember to give things to keep him busy, my grey loves chewing up phone books. I also have a toy box in his cage where I put various foot toys and chew toys aswell as food treats to keep him busy.If he does not settle of a night, cover the cage up.At the moment the grey is feeling very unsure and needs lots of love and attention,he is in new suroundings,new cage it all must be very scary for him.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 18:01

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Congratulations on your new baby!!! Do you know that she's a girl or are you having a DNA test done? Our Chimay loves my shoulder as well...he's just recently discovered it. We still try and make sure that he gets plenty of time to himself in/on the cage and his window basket, but any time I pick him up he wants to go straight to the shoulder. Just makes ur heart melt! Lol! We definately keep him inside the cage whenever we're not in the room or out of the house. If he doesn't know where we are his first instinct is to jump off of the cage and go find us.


Please keep us posted on your baby's progress and hope to see some pictures soon! :)<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/04/07 22:19

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I don't know how I missed this thread Congrates on a safe trip for your new baby I hope your just as thrilled as can be. Aren't baby birds just the sweetest little things in the world. If your having 1/2 as much fun with yours as I'm haveing with mine your haveing the time of your life. They are so curious and I love the way they chatter away at you like your suppose to know exactly what they are trying to tell you. Its like haveing a baby human around again. Give that baby a hug and a kiss for me and have lots of fun enjoy her all you can they grow up way to fast.

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Wow that is cool, someone else got their baby congo yesterday - me too. It is reasuring to read all these posts on this thread because my baby is doing the exact same thing, I'm not getting a minute's peace atm but at the same time it is nice to be loved so much lol! My baby has settled so well and was quiet all night last night. Anyway welcome and enjoy your baby because he/she won't be a baby forever and they do become more distant as the years pass - so I'm told ;)

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