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new with question mark

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Hello everyone! I just found this forum and glad I did. We have been thinking of a CAG for a while. I am still undecided. I would like to hear about them. These are some of my questions (please don’t hate me ) How is their personality, how many members in your family.. how many does the bird actually like. Are they very nippy? How many hours a day to you have them out , how are they when you are out for the day, does their sex have differences? I am sorry for the over load of questions, but I really want to make a final decision . I have read about them , but you can read ten articles, and have ten different view points. I feel listening to owners is the best way to get a full picture.


We almost bought a eleanora too…as much as I like them, I am glad we didn’t for many different reasons..


Any guidance will be appreciated!


ann marie


ps,, two kids (10 & 13)

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Welcome AnnMarie!!


I am sorry no one responded to you. I suspect it is due to our having a previous animal rights activist named Ann Marie on this site. Whom was very trying at times and made many enemies here very quickly and was banned.


Your questions:


How is their personality


A- That completely depends upon how they are raised and socialized by the breeder if your getting a baby. A well socialized Grey is much more personable than a non-socialized Grey.


As they mature, they become much less needful in terms of wanting all that snuggling and head scratching attention. But, their intelligence, play antics and individual personalities will always keep you amazed and surprised.


How many members in your family.


A - 2, but we have grandchildren and visitors here constantly. Our Grey was well socialized at the breeders and thus, normally is more curious of recognized visitors and new one. Many times he will fly over and check them out. They are sometimes cautious of some individuals for who knows what reason, hair color or style, clothing coloring or maybe they are just ugly ;-) :-)


How many does the bird actually like.


A - Now this depends on what you mean by "like". My Grey "likes" many people, but that is in the sense of him flying over, sitting close to them or perhaps on their leg, arm shoulder etc. However, it does not mean he will accept any touching or hands coming close. The intimate rights are strictly reserved for those whom he is very trustful of, namely my wife and I.


Are they very nippy?


A - When very young, most are not. As they age and start becoming independent, they use their beak to let you know IF they wish to move, want a scratch or want to step up. You will learn to read their body language very quickly if or once the nipping/biting occurs. ALL Parrots will bite, just remember that.


How many hours a day to you have them out


A - 3 to 4 hours weekdays. Weekends and Holiday's from 6 am to 8 or 9 pm....If we are up and home, they are out.


How are they when you are out for the day


A - Fine, we always ensure they have fresh water, food and toys that excite them, chewable wood parts and foraging toys that keep them mentally challenged and entertained.


Does their sex have differences?


A - NO! Well not other than anatomical of course, or as in all of creation, the females are not as logical as the males ;-) Just Kidding!! :-)


I hope you enjoy your presence here. There are many GreYt articles and topics here along with GreYt people!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/04 13:54

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thank you so much for your time and writing. I appreciate is so much! Oh geez...I hope people do not think I am the other Ann Marie, may I should change my user name.. My brother has a grey for 12 years. He is not very friendly, only to my brother who has raised him. I didn't want to go by the one bird I know, or I would not get one..lol! I did find a baby from a wonderful breeder, I couldn't of asked for more.

He/she will be home at the end of May.

Thank you once again!!

Ann Marie

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Your welcome.


You don't need to change your user name, others will see you posts and realize your NOT the other. :-)


Each Grey is different and they may become only a one person bird. You just never know. But, you do need to realize that just as a human or other critter ages and matures, they learn based on experience. If they have had bad experiences with strangers or guests that only come over once a month or so., they will become VERY cautious and distrustful of anyone outside their "Flock".


Congratulations on finding your baby Grey and it's not too far off before he/she will be home. Is it close enough for you to visit?

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Hello Annmarie and welcome to the forum. Dan has given some great advice. I can only ad that mine has given me so much joy and I am amazed by him daily. He is more than a pet, he is my companion and friend. They are very in tune with your emotions as well and pick up them too. Before I got him I would have never thought I was a bird person.


Baxter is pretty much a one person bird though. There is only me and my husband in the house. My husband and Baxter do get along but he only allows me to pick him up but my husband can feed him treats, pet him, give head scratches so the relationship is still good between them as long as he doesn't pick him up. We don't have that many people come to the house but when the occassional neighbor stops by, he does tend to show off:silly:


And you can ask as many questions as you have. That is what this forum is here for so ask away. Congradulations on finding a baby grey so quickly. Does that mean you are going to "go for it"? If so, please tell us all about the new baby. :)

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Thanks Dan & Baxters mom..nice to meet you! I know I will enjoy it here :)


Wanting a parrot started four years ago starting with my son. I was not going out and just buying a parrot. I bought the kids a baby budgie. I felt this was a good bird to start off with. I wanted to see if they keep an interest in the bird, play with her, feed her etc. They passed with flying colors, they loved her. Last fall we went to a local bird show, but we weren't ready to make a decision. Well..our little budgie passed last Friday and the kids were beyond upset. I knew it was time for that long awaited parrot.


My son always wanted a grey. I almost made a huge mistake by buying a Too. I think they are beautiful amd lovable, but there were many reasons why I changed my mind. I started researching greys and I knew this would be our next bird. I still had a slight question mark.. When I met our breeder I was very impressed. We talked for a long time and I felt at ease and excited..I knew this was the right bird and breeder. I sent a deposit. We have two kids, 10 & 13. I do know the grey will take to one or two of us, but we will all be a part of his life and hopefully he will like us all. I do have friends who have greys and my brother as well, so I feel I will have support near by. ( and you guys as well) I am new to all of this, but I will get there.


yes, waiting until the end of May will feel like forever I am sure. It's good in a way so we can have everything set up and ready for home coming :) The breeder is about three hours away and we will try to get there over spring break.


I wanted to post a picture of this baby, but couldn't get it to post..?? I will have to figure it out..


Ann Marie (the nice one) lol

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Welcome Annmarie. I hope you enjoy your times hear.I bet May cant come fast enough.Use the time to learn and ask as many questions hear as you need.I look forward to hearing more about your baby grey.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 18:06

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Welcome to the forum Ann Marie! I bet you are soo excited about your new baby. I waited for a loooooong time to get my baby too and I finally got him last Friday and he is such a joy, I love him to pieces! I was so anxious in getting my baby that I had to keep myself busy. I started making toys, reading books about greys, buying things for my grey etc. to pass time. Thats great that you found a good breeder! Do you know your new babys hatch date? And is it DNA'd sexed yet? Also have you decided on any names? lol I love to hear about other people and their greys. Anyways enjoy the site and ask as many questions as you want :)


Also to post pictures you can go to photobucket.com and upload them on there and then copy and paste the code onto here. We love to see pictures :)

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Hello Ann Marie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


Dan and the others have given you some excellent advice and I am glad you have done your homework to see if a grey is a right fit for you and your family. This bird has a very long life span and is a lifetime committment so you have to be sure this is right for you and your family.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions, no matter how trivial or silly they may seem, and we will help you in any way we can.


If you do get a chance to get some pictures please post them to share with us and if you need help doing that there is a couple of threads in the photography room that tell you how to do that.

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thanks so much to all of you! glad I found this forum!



congratulations!! I am so excited for you!! Can't waitto hear all about him! What is his name? How old is he?? This baby was hatched 1/24/09. He can come home at the end of May. He will be dna sexed soon. The breeder 'thinks' he is a male due to his size, but can not be sure...so he just might be. We will see??? We do not have names picked out yet. Actually he will be more of my sons bird, but he has to like me too :P


looking forward to chatting! Have a great day!


Ann Marie

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Hi Ann Marie

Congratulations on deciding to have a grey...Its really a great experience and i love every single day with mine


I am glad you decided to get a baby. I have had both one baby, unfortunately she had a noncurable disease and passed away. My second is a 4.5 years old. Its totally different when they are adults. I love him but I still think that the baby experience has no equal.


There is a lot to read about and learn. I would say just like having a baby where everyday you learn something new.


Best of luck and keep us posted on your grey (name pix and so)..

As for uploading pix, just ty a small size picture it works every time...


Nice having you in our family...



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