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Shanti the intellectual and world traveler


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Hi Luvparrots and Gryphon,


Yes, the outing was greyt! I decided to take him to Lake Casitas instead of the slightly longer trip to the beach. My short-term goal is to get him acclimated to going out without feeling anxious or threatened. I figure if we have short pleasant outings the first few times, he'll be psyched for longer trips later.


This was his first trip in the car since the day the vet toweled him and only his second car trip ever, so I was especially cautious.


I let him ride shotgun and didn't cover him. The only thing that spooked him for a second was when I closed the car door. Got to remember not to slam it.


It was a cloudy day today and a bit cool for Southern California in April, but he seemed fine with the weather. I kept talking to him the whole time. Obviously, everyone who saw me is certain I'm a complete lunatic, but who cares? We had lots of fun.


The Adventure Pack is really awesome, although for a large Grey like Shanti it's a tight z. Kind of like a big professional athlete squeezing into a little sports car. Still, Shanti and I are thrilled with it. So far I give it a grade of T for transformative!

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