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Shady's the smartest little Grey in the world


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Shady can step up onto my hand and step down onto a portable stand. Now I think thats really really smart considering how old he is. You should see how excited he get when I tell him what a smart baby he is and such a good boy its so cute He fluffs all his feathers and streaches his neck moving his head side to side and back and forth at the same time he know what it means when I tell him he such a good baby and so smart.

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Awwww what a smarty pants! Ecko has started to step up onto our finger but we have to help him. He will give me one foot and then he needs help getting the other foot on my finger lol. He isn't as good as Shady though. Thats great that he can step on and then back down. CONGRATS :)

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