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DNA Results!


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Well the DNA results are in and Ecko is officially a BOY! My breeder was right! He is one big boy too, he weighed 467 grams yesterday at the vet. We did a couple of tests that will come back Monday but other than that they said was a very healthy boy. They couldn't get over how cute he was. lol Anyways I just thought I'd share with my grey family :P:);) :laugh:


Have a GREYT day!

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Oh I'm so happy for you I want a little boy also but I have a feeling that shady is going to turn out to be a little girl she's way to smart to be a little boyLOL that one was for Dan. I don't really mind if it turns out Shady is a girl as long as she is healthy she's going to be big also she already weigh 480 gr shes not as big as Tyco yet but I'm thinking that she may give Tyco a run for her money when it come to size. I don't know if its true or not but I heard that male Greys bond better to woman and female greys bond better to men. It doesn't matter to me because there aren't any men around my house anymore not since I kick hubby out a couple years ago. I guess you never know what the future will bring but I'm certinaly not looking for any kind of a relationship at the moment so girl or boy Shady has no choice except to bond to me.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/02 23:54

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"""male Greys bond better to woman and female greys bond better to men"""


Thats hogwash Pat, I don't really think it matters what sex they are, Josey is a female and bonded to me, sorry to burst your bubble but someone correct me if I am wrong and please don't let it be Dan, anyone but Dan.:S :silly: :laugh:

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Your probubly right Judy thats just what I heard from a few people Tyco's a girl and when I got her she wanted to be with me so I kinda don't agree about that either but ya hear lots of stuff some true some not you kinda gotta pick and choose I guess. My amazon is also female and hates men so there ya go.

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