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Choosy Cleo!


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Day 4 of being Cleo's mum, and for the second time she sat on my shoulder and watched me prepare dinner. I offered her the salad bowl to see what she would do. Madame beaked through the various bits and pieces, and opted for the largest piece of bell pepper she could find. She then sat there making little munching and crunching noises, and wiped her beak on my face when finished. I love it!!!

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Heehee stop it you guys. My eyes just filled with water...I don't think they're tears though *sniffle*

Cleo is 12 weeks old. In the 5 days she's had me (ahem), her flying and landing has improved. We'll keep working on that!

Spent 20 minutes this morning scritching and scratching CLeo around her head. She wasn't too sure at first about this fingers, but soon I was able to cover her whole head with my hand for a good all over head scratch. She sat there with her eyes closed.


I wish I was my bird!

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