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what to do with grey while out of town


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I am going to be gone for a week. my son is deploying and I am going to spend 4 days with him before he goes.


charlies cage has outside feeder doors, so my sister can feed and water him. But i am worried that if something is wrong she wouldnt recognize that something was wrong. And he woould be caged for 6 to 7 days.. I dont know how he will react to that. as he is out most of the time since I have had him. But he does nip at strangers and I am afraid he would bite them if they werent smart enough to leave him alone. and I am surprised at the people that I have had to tell just leave him alone he doesnt want u messing with him. I now put him in his cage when people come into the house.


I was thinking about having him kenneled at the local vets office would be more acceptable. at least there I would think if something was wrong they would recognize it and do something. And I think I would be more relaxed with leaving him.


thought about taking him with me, but I really dont want to have to worry about him while on military base.


What do you all do with your bird when you have to leave or go on vacation?


gotta go to work

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I have someone who I take my birds to when I am going to be gone for more than a couple of days, she has other birds of her own so they have some company. I am going away this weekend but my hubby is going to look after them since it is only for 3 days. Josey is more accepting of him now and as long as I have their food portioned out for them he can put it in their bowls.


A petsiter would be an option but not all areas have them and being gone as long as a week he really should be allowed out for periods of time. Some vets will board animals but I don't know how much if any time they would be out of their cage, I have never used that route.


Maybe others will have some more suggestions for you.

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I thought about boarding my birds when I had to go away for a few days but the 2 places I checked just had them in "not so big" cages and didn't put any of their toys in with them:ohmy: . They didn't let them out either. I would have liked to board them but still didn't like the fact they would be in small cages with no toys and no out of cage time:( . I took my birds with me instead. They stayed in the motel with me:) . I had nice sized travel cages and let them out in the motels. They had no problems what so ever. Baxter was great on the trip and quiet in motels.

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First - Please tell your son - Thank you for his service. We really appreciate him.


I don't have any real advice regarding boarding as I've had my bird for a week and haven't gone on vacation! It is something I'm trying to figure out. A friend comes in and takes care of my other birds but I think a CAG is a tad above what she can handle. I board my rabbits at a bunny rescue and it's like going to camp for them. They love it. I'm hoping to find something like it for Ziva.


I like the idea of boarding at a vet so if she needs medical attention, she's right there but I also get nervous since sick birds are also at the vets. When I worked at an avian hospital eons ago, they weren't really kept away from the sick birds. They were boarded in cages a few feet away.


I'm in Los Angeles and there are all kinds of doggie daycare and boarding facilities. I wish we had one for birds.


Good luck! Let us know what you decide and how it goes and have fun visiting your son.

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