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My Greys


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Hey Everyone,


I recently joined. I started out with owning one grey, he is 7 months old, his name is Mojito. We recently bought a second, whose name is Cabo Wabo. We keep them in separate cages, and let them hang out together during play time out of the cage. Someone had told me though, that I made a HUGE mistake in buying another. That my birds would only bond to each other, and eventually mate and be unable to be pets any longer. I do not know their sexes for sure. I am slightly worried. The new bird is only 5 months old. They are not aggressive to each other at all, and get along pretty well so far. I was just wondering, if anyone happened to own two birds and how it works for them?


Thanks so so much!!!

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Well, your worrying will now disappear. First off, they're in separate cages. That should always remain the same. Second, they do need to be let out to socialize with each other. Third, it doesn't matter what their sex is because you'll be treating them as pets for good. When hormones kick in with either bird, things should remain the same--separate cages.

Both birds are infants. Treat each bird equally. There will be different personalities.


Someone told you that you made a mistake? That was yesterday. You've done it and now is the time to think about the tommorrows ahead.

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