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help required please


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My 3yr old Grey has a small area on his neck where the feathers have gone very untidy.


I wouldn't say it was a bald patch because there are still white downy feathers there but i can see small areas of pink skin, there is also a blackish brown spike at the centre of this patch.


His mood is normal and he has let me inspect the area and doesn't seem bothered by it. Its me thats worried.


Any help/advice is most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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What do you mean by spike, is it a feather root, or its something growing from his skin?? Any pictures??


I wish dave or Judy were online...they can surely help, but I informed Tycos mom, hope she has any information.

In the mean time, if you can post a photo of it so others can comment...

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Thank you all for your prompt replies. He is, as far i can tell, not picking at the area and it does not look sore. A photo would be hard to take as he does not like me to hold anything in my hands while i handle him aka freak out :)


i was concerned due to the colour of the spike(it looks like a tiny snake tail), but i had a suspicion that it could be a new feather that had not yet unravelled. There are more feathers around than there usually are so your answers regarging a molt are probably correct. Thanks again for all of your advice.

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