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Cracker update


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Cracker is much better today. I have taken him to my own vet today and he is a bit bruised but otherwise ok. He is moving about a lot more although not like normal. He is eating well but still a bit quiet.My vet is not too pleased with the emergency vet , aparantley she is ment to contact him if one of his clients calls the service.I am just happy that cracker is ok, he really was out of it last night after his crash landing.I spent the night up and down checking on him.He is now looking ready for a sleep so its an early night for us all. Thanks again for all the help and advise.

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I knew you wouldn't sleep much last night but glad to hear Cracker will be fine. I hope you never have to go thru anything like this again but maybe your regular vet will have a word with the service for they did not follow orders.


Give us another update tomorrow but I think he will be back to his old self soon.

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Poor boys gots a real bad owie I'm so sorry I hope it heals fast mom I hope your feeling better also I know how we worry when our baby aren't up to snuff. take care and I'm so glad Cracker's going to be fine with your loving care he will be back good as new in no time. keep us updated please

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Thanks everyone. Cracker is almost his normal self today,moving round and eating lots. He is now sitting on his cage looking what trouble he can get in to next.That bird is so silly, maybe the bump knocked some sence into him:cheer:

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